Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Twitter Feed[edit]


{{#widget:Twitter |id=677741287714373632 |user=Uurlock |width=100% |count=20 |scrollbar= |poll= |tweets.color= |tweets.background= |tweets.links= |shell.color= |shell.background= }}

testing, testing one...twoo..threee[edit]

Ulsio(ContribsMessage) --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 15:13, August 31, 2016 (EDT)

Uurlock's Windmills to tilt at:[edit]

Guild Managment System (GMS)
More Bank Space: Leomund's Secret Chest
Demi-God Reincarnation: So what happens to uber completionist toons?
Bravery Dungeon Difficulty Icons
Portable and Collapsible Magical Bookcase
QoL: Update Shared Crafting Storage Service and Interface and General UI
QoL: Update Auction House Service and Interface
QoL: Update Mail Service and Interface
QoL: Update LFM Panel - Suggestions and Solicitations for Comments
A possible way to double btc storage space
API: Dev's asked what would we want in a new API?
New (DPS Test Kolbob's and Kolbosses) things on Lamannia that need to come to Live

Gems - what a great orphaned page!

Originally Posted by JOTMON Source

Things I would like to see for the party Leader. 1.LFM checkbox toggle .. disable all hirelings/Request permission(default)/allow any) 2.Permission popup box to allow party member to summon a hireling.. (then the leader can accept or reject at their discretion) 3.Dismissal option for the leader to dump the hireling in favor of bringing in a real party member.. a 'xx' would like to join.. but your party is full, which hirleling would you like to dismiss and fill with this real person....

a true 'passive' follow option where the hireling stays 25 feet behind me, ..just stand behind me and heal.. and don't die stupidly- does not stand in traps, aoe damaging effects or between me and a mob, don't go down unexplored hallways.


Ozymoronic Barbarian mk VI (updated U25
Airforged the Last Firebender (2 Pal 18 Sorc) (updated U28)
Bespectacled Librarian with a Big Giant Huge Sword (Trying the Harper Tree)
Artificer VetII (level 9) arty and his dog... here's the gear