Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Glowing Prisms[edit]

Found on: Armor Shields as a Suffix

Base price modifier:

Effect: This effect makes the item bound to character on equip and grants the following enchantments:

Shining Prisms[edit]

Found on: Armor Shields as a Suffix

Base price modifier:

Effect: This effect makes the item bound to character on equip and grants the following enchantments:

Shimmering Prisms[edit]

Found on: Armor Shields as a Suffix

Base price modifier:

Effect: This effect makes the item bound to character on equip and grants the following enchantments:

  • Elemental Resistance (20), of one of the following (acid, fire ,cold, sonic, lighting)
  • Elemental Resistance (20), of one of the following (acid, fire ,cold, sonic, lighting)
  • Elemental Resistance (20), of one of the following (acid, fire ,cold, sonic, lighting)
    • Some items may have 1 or 2 resistance instead of three.

Radiant Prisms[edit]

Found on: Armor Shields as a Suffix

Base price modifier:

Effect: This effect makes the item bound to character on equip and grants the following enchantments: