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Fighter Armor Mastery (history)

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Fighter's Armor Mastery[edit]

There are currently 3 levels of this enhancement available:

Fighter Armor Mastery I: +1 to max dex bonus on armor. AP Cost: 2. Progression: 6. Level: 3.

Fighter Armor Mastery II: +2 to max dex bonus on armor'. AP Cost: 4. Progression: 20. Level: 7. Also available via the Daggertooth's Belt item.

Fighter Armor Mastery III: +3 to max dex bonus on armor. AP Cost: 6. Progression: 34. Level: 11.

This enhancement allows you to increase the maximum dex bonus to AC by 1 per enhancement level.

For example, if your fighter was wearing standard full plate which has a maximum dex bonus of +1, with 1 level of this enhancement your maximum dex bonus would increase to +2, and so on for each additional level of enhancement.

Note also that your maximum dex bonus may also be limited by the maximum dex bonus of your tower shield, so you may also need to get the Fighter's Tower Shield Mastery enhancement line.