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Eldritch Blade

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Icon Enhancement Eldritch Blade.png
Eldritch Blade: Your Eldritch Strike now grants you a Power Charge. When you have 5 Power Charges, they are removed, and you gain Eldritch Power.

Eldritch Power: +10% to your damage with weapon attacks, +4 Spellsword Dice, +25 Universal spellpower. Duration: 30 seconds.

  • Your Spellsword die size is now d12
  • +1 Spellsword die
  • +2 Charisma, +2 Constitution
  • +2% Doublestrike, +10 Universal Spell Power
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 40 Requires: Subtle Force II, Sorcerer level 20


Icon Enhancement Eldritch Blade.png
Eldritch Blade: Your Eldritch Strike now grants you a Power Charge. When you have 5 Power Charges, they are removed, and you gain Eldritch Power.

Eldritch Power: +10% to your damage with weapon attacks, +4 Spellsword Dice, +25 Universal spellpower. Duration: 30 seconds.

  • Your Spellsword die size is now d12
  • +1 Spellsword die
  • +2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution
  • +2% Doublestrike, +10 Universal Spell Power
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 40 Requires: Subtle Force II, Wizard level 20