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Just your friendly neighborhood Assassin

250 edits and counting!
Monster MummyLord.png
You are now buried five feet under. The dark side is calling you...

Cook2905 has 250 or more edits - can you make 500 ?

About Me[edit]

  • Graduated Illinois State University with BS in Computer Science
  • Been playing DDO since October 2011. My friend thought this was an awesome game and pulled me into it.
  • Member of the 2018 Players Council. - Arkantios on the forums. - Maze on the DDO Unofficial Discord


  • Orien (Funny thing is I really don't play on any other server sooooo, there won't be any characters besides these guys/girls)
    • Maze - First character. Originally started on Sarlona, but recreated on Orien after some peer pressure. Epic/Triple Heroic Completionist. Absolutely loves being an Assassin - Best Class fosho.
    • XxMazettexX - This was actually a joke character because someone asked why I didn't have a female counterpart to Maze (When you couldn't switch gender on TR). Coincidentally though, she's working on her 10th life as a FvS.
    • XxBankxX - Joke bank mule.
    • Wyrmsword - Second character. Originally a drow cleric but went more down the route of monk eventually.
    • Draconioss - Third character. Stayed 18 Rogue 1 Wizard 1 Fighter Halfling Longbow user for quite a while even after the major enhancement pass. Moreso my ranged character.
    • Swizzlediz - Made this character to play in a static group with some friends. Stuck at 11 Rogue, 6 Barbarian, 1 Fighter.


  • Currently progressing through the Racial and Class enhancement system to update, organize, and get rid of all of the red and improper links. (Going to take a loooooonnngggg time)
 12/27/18 - Sorcerer EK
 12/28/18 - Wizard EK 
  • Adding in Rune Arm Visuals


DDOwikiEditor.jpg DDOwiki Editor since:

February 11, 2013.
DDOwikiVIP.jpg DDOwiki VIP since:

August 4, 2017.
'17 Cook2905 was a member of the 2017 DDO Players Council.
'18 Cook2905 was a member of the 2018 DDO Players Council.