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Baby Giant Crocodile

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Baby Giant Crocodile
Baby Giant Crocodile's Certificate description

Name: Baby Giant Crocodile

Race: Crocodile

Bind: The Baby Giant Crocodile Certificate is Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire.


A cute little giant crocodile that likes to roll about.

DDO Store purchasable?: No

Companion tricks

Crocodile Trick - Backflip icon.png
Backflip- Your pet crocodile will energetically flip through the air.
Crocodile Trick - Beg icon.png
Beg- Your pet crocodile will beg for tidbits or treats.
Crocodile Trick - Dance icon.png
Dance- Your pet crocodile will dance a happy march.
Crocodile Trick - Hover icon.png
Hover- Your pet crocodile will energetically spin his tail until he hovers in the air.
Crocodile Trick - Play Dead icon.png
Play Dead- Your pet crocodile will play dead.


Claim it from Garthalmor if you purchase ultimate edition of Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh.