Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Agrimor 'The Summoner'

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The merchants of the market have agreed to lower our prices. Now that the trouble in the steam tunnels is over, business is picking up! Thanks, <Name>.

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Agrimor 'The Summoner'.jpg

Name: Agrimor 'The Summoner'

Race: Drow

Gender: Male

Location: The Marketplace Bazaar

Description: <Arcane Reagent Vendor - Levels 1-3>

Sells: Arcane Reagents (levels 1-3)

Artificier Material Components

Bard Material Components

Sorcerer/Wizard Material Components

NPC Agrimor The Summoner Orb.jpg

Spell Inscription Materials