Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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1,303 edits and counting!
No pic.jpg
You are now buried someplace dark and moist...

Snake has Ø edits - keep up the good work!

Well that explains where all the cats went :) Snake (ContributionsMessage)

Test Area[edit]

Raiders Box Error.png

Defence Chance at Level[edit]

Sortable table of Named Armors[edit]

A work in Progress...

Working page for full comparison table for all Armour. Default sort by Minimum Level.

Note:Many pre-U14 armor types (eg Elven Chainmail) may still be in circulation but no longer drop.

Name ML Class AC Max Dex ACP ASF% Features (column not sortable)
Apprentice's Robe 0 Robe 0 0 -0 0 Concentration +1, Lesser Arcane Augmentation I, Starter
Battleworn Chainshirt 0 Light 4 5 -1 20 Masterwork, Starter
Battleworn Breastplate 0 Medium 6 3 -3 25 Masterwork, Starter
Leather Armor 1 Light 3 6 -0 10 Random Loot Base Item
Chainmail Shirt 1 Light 4 5 -2 20 Random Loot Base Item
Scalemail 1 Medium 5 4 -3 25 Random Loot Base Item
Breastplate 1 Medium 6 3 -4 25 Random Loot Base Item
Half Plate 1 Heavy 7 2 -6 30 Random Loot Base Item
Full Plate 1 Heavy 8 1 -6 35 Random Loot Base Item
Armor of the Unknown Hero 2 Heavy 8 2 -4 30 +1 Enhancement Bonus, Charisma +1
Skirmish Leather 4 Light 4 8 -0 10 Random Loot Base Item
Skirmish Chainmail 4 Light 5 7 -2 20 Random Loot Base Item
Skirmish Scalemail 4 Medium 6 6 -3 25 Random Loot Base Item
Battle Breastplate 4 Medium 8 4 -4 25 Random Loot Base Item
Light Battleplate 4 Heavy 10 3 -6 30 Random Loot Base Item
Battleplate 4 Heavy 12 1 -6 35 Random Loot Base Item
Cavalry Plate (Level 4)(Tier 1) 4 Heavy 9 1 -5 35 +1 Enhancement Bonus, Life Shield, Lesser False Life, Resistance Save +1, Upgradable
Feycraft Leather 10 Light 5 11 -0 10 Random Loot Base Item
Feycraft Chainmail 10 Light 7 9 -2 20 Random Loot Base Item
Feycraft Scalemail 10 Medium 8 8 -3 25 Random Loot Base Item
Magecraft Breastplate 10 Medium 11 5 -4 25 Random Loot Base Item
Light Magecraft Plate 10 Heavy 13 4 -6 30 Random Loot Base Item
Magecraft Plate 10 Heavy 16 1 -6 35 Random Loot Base Item
Spiritcraft Leather 16 Light 7 14 -0 10 Random Loot Base Item
Spiritcraft Chainmail 16 Light 9 11 -2 20 Random Loot Base Item
Spiritcraft Scalemail 16 Medium 11 10 -3 25 Random Loot Base Item
Mountain Breastplate 16 Medium 14 6 -4 25 Random Loot Base Item
Light Mountain Plate 16 Heavy 17 5 -6 30 Random Loot Base Item
Mountain Plate 16 Heavy 20 1 -6 35 Random Loot Base Item
Elocator's Habiliment 18 Medium 22 5 -0 30 +5 Enhancement Bonus, Displacement (5/Day, Recharged/Day: 2), Attack Bonus +2, Jump +10, Tumble +10, Feat: Mobility, Resistance Save +5, Upgradable: Greater Nimbleness
Celestial Leather 22 Light 9 18 -0 10 Random Loot Base Item
Celestial Chainmail 22 Light 12 13 -2 20 Random Loot Base Item
Celestial Scalemail 22 Medium 15 12 -3 25 Random Loot Base Item
Planeforged Breastplate 22 Medium 18 7 -4 25 Random Loot Base Item
Light Planeforged Plate 22 Heavy 21 6 -6 30 Random Loot Base Item
Planeforged Plate 22 Heavy 24 1 -6 35 Random Loot Base Item
Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate 22 Medium 21 10 -0 25 +6 Enhancement Bonus,One of: Constitution +8, Insightful Constitution +3, Strength +8, Insightful Strength +3, Wisdom +8, Insightful Wisdom +3; Toughness, Superior Nimbleness, Resistance Save +6, Inherent (5) Elemental Resistance, Upgradable: Knight's Loyalty OR Amaunator's Blessing
Shadowmail (Level 23) 23 Medium 17 12 -2 10 +7 Enhancement Bonus, Twilight, One of: Combustion +108, Corrosion +108, Glaciation +108, Impulse +108; Wizardry IX, Arcane Lore
Shadowmail (Level 24) 24 Medium 18 12 -2 10 +7 Enhancement Bonus, Twilight, One of: Combustion +114, Corrosion +114, Glaciation +114, Impulse +114; Wizardry IX, Greater Arcane Lore
Shadowmail (Level 25) 25 Medium 18 12 -2 0 +7 Enhancement Bonus, Greater Twilight, One of: Combustion +120, Corrosion +120, Glaciation +120, Impulse +120; Wizardry X, Greater Arcane Lore

new bit[edit]


<ncl>Nullification 42 items</ncl> <ncl>Nullification 48 items</ncl>