Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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It's a sandbox! Minus sand and/or pretty much anything. It has a nice set of walls tho!
IN PROGRESS! Template for new weapon damages. I need this code checked, because it wasn't working.
Everything's broken![edit]
{{Damage Type|Enchantment|Value}}
Enchantment: Bleed, Bludgeoning, Light, Slashing, Piercing.
Value: Integer
{{ Weapon effect | 4 | Slashing }}
- Weapon's Slashing Effect +4Weapon's Slashing Effect +4: Additional 4d6 slashing damage.
{{ Weapon effect | 10 | Slashing }}
- Weapon's Slashing Effect +10Weapon's Slashing Effect +10: Additional 10d6 slashing damage.
Good Twists and why to take them[edit]