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Talk:Shining Star

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The following was removed by an anonymous user:

For [[Path of Harmonious Balance]] Monks, Shining Star is one of only two finishing moves that creates a melee attack on clicking the finishing move activator. The other is the Earth finisher.

I cannot the statement's accuracy or inaccuracy, so any input/rephrasing/correction would be desired. "Tauro" (Contributions Message) 02:12, October 26, 2012 (EDT)

It isn't accurate. The triple-water and triple-air elemental finishers also end in a targeted attack, and are common to both light and dark monks. Triple-fire is the only elemental finisher that doesn't end in a melee attack.

A level 20 light monk would have four finishers that result in melee attacks, and six (seven with void) that do not. Mireru (ContributionsMessage) 05:12, April 22, 2013 (EDT)