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Concordant Opposition

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Concordant Opposition is a guard effect available on Green Steel items.

This item is imbued with the energy of concordant opposition. Those who rest at the pinnacle of supreme balance can do nothing but gain. When the wearer of this item is successfully attacked in melee, there is a chance that the item will bestow temporary hit points and grant spell points to the wearer.

  • a 4% chance to gain a temporary 30 hit points, and a separate roll for a 4% chance to gain ~20-30 spell points.


Currently one weapon and one accessory will stack, while multiple accessories or multiple weapons themselves do not stack. This is probably not working as intended and might get changed in the future (see developer posts below).

Developer words on the topic[edit]

Originally Posted by DeadlyGazebo Source on March 7, 2008

It's a 1% chance to gain HP, and a separate roll for a 1% chance to gain SP.
So, you do have a 1 in ten thousand chance to get HP+SP on the same hit :)

Originally Posted by (former developer) Eladrin Source on March 8, 2008

I'm actually not 100% certain on the stacking nature of Concordant Opposition, as Piloto created it, not me.
With a prototype system, we're likely to err on the side of caution at times, especially when it's related to something we normally don't do (like SP healing).
We'll be tracking all the information we receive from it, and are very likely to make adjustments to things we find too weak or excessively powerful.

Originally Posted by (former developer) Eladrin Source on March 16, 2010

No changes have been made to Concordant Opposition items since Piloto increased the proc rate from 1% to 4%, and increased the amount of spell points granted when it triggers.

Originally Posted by (former developer) Eladrin

Guard effects should not stack with themselves, so it would be classified as a bug that is potentially subject to change.