Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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907 edits and counting!
Monster MummyLord.png
You are now buried six feet under. The dark side is calling you!!!

Spencerian has 500 or more edits - can you make 1,000 ?

"Spencerian" is my personal nickname, but you'll find me on the Ghallanda server as the guild leader of "The Syncletican Monastery" as Syncletica and many other characters.

I've been a long-time player of the Monk class in the Neverwinter Nights games, which has come in handy in the DDO variation. I enjoy the WIS/DEX support and specialty classes most (Monks, Rangers, Clerics and Rogues).

I'm the editor of "The Book of Syncletica", a guide for new players of the class. Just go to your favorite search engine to find this web-based guide. The original guide is very dated and I hope to bring up to snuff to Update 48 by the start of 2021.