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Talk:Twist of Fate

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Fourth slot[edit]

I propose adding a note that the fourth twist of fate disappears when epic TR-ing back to lvl 20. Suggested text is added below

Each character can unlock up to four Twist of Fate slots. Characters who achieved Epic Completionist can have another slot for a total of five slots. Characters begin with no unlocked slots, and must spend their first Fate Point to unlock the first Twist of Fate slot. After that, you can choose between upgrading unlocked slot(s) or unlocking the second or third Twist of Fate slot.

An additional Twist of Fate slot is unlocked and granted to a character on reaching level 30. Note that this act clears the contents of the remaining slots thus unlocked.

Upon True Reincarnation back to level 20, the fourth Twist of Fate slot disappears until the character reaches level 30 again.

When a Twist of Fate slot is first unlocked, it can only accommodate tier 1 Epic Destiny abilities. Slots can then be upgraded to accommodate tier 2, 3, and 4 abilities at increasing Fate Point cost. Twist of Fate slots work only on tiered abilities. You can not Twist an innate ability, nor can you Twist any tier 5 or 6 abilities from any Destiny. — previous unsignedIcon tooltip.pngPlease sign posts using ~~~~ comment by Bioguy.pingry ( c |d| r| b) at 01:59, November 28, 2016 (UTC)

12/29/16 added a parenthetical note under number of twists.

Do I delete this when it is resolved?
