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Severe Hamstring

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Icon Feat Hamstring.png

  • Cooldown: Very little for most monsters
  • Usage: Active
  • Prerequisite: Sneak Attack ?


When this monster-only special attack is activated, a standard attack roll is made. If it hits, the target's movement rate is reduced by ~75% and they cannot tumble for 24 seconds. Fortitude save to negate this effect.

Unlike the player version - Hamstring - some monsters can perform this special attack on ranged attacks.


  • This is a special monster only enhanced version of Hamstring.

Creature Entries[edit]

The following creatures have been confirmed to be capable of inflicting a severe hamstring (there might be more - research continues - be on your guard).

  1. Hezrou
  2. Lieutenant Ayurro
  3. Firebrand Lieutenant
  4. Scorrow Raider
  5. Hafez the Lion
  6. Teralyn
  7. Worg Sentinel
  8. Hobgoblin Quartermaster
  9. Gorrin
  10. Pirate Captain Goldhorn
  11. Scourge Captain Blackhand
  12. Drow Guardian
  13. Ravenous Hezrou
  14. Worg Warhound
  15. Silver Flame Ranger
  16. Worg Stalker
  17. Dire Mist Wolf
  18. Twinight
  19. Anger (monster)
  20. Redcap
  21. Packhunter Worg
  22. Chorzan
  23. Skallu Jaggedblade
  24. Ruddy Red
  25. Dreadwood Worg
  26. Wrecks
  27. Happy
  28. Wild Hunt Redcap
  29. Grix