Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Johnny Wood

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  • Turbine's lead engineer
  • Started at Turbine in November 2008 during the Mines of Moria expansion release.
  • Joined on the engine team doing more or less equal amounts of work for both DDO and LotRO.
  • Around September of 2014, moved to DDO specifically.
  • Doing work on LotRO as of February of 2016.
  • Goes under the forum name of Silorien, but rarely posts.
  • He is also an Ultima enthusiast too and creator of "Ultima 4 Multiplayer" aka. "Classic Ultima Online" which is currently running.
  • Previously worked for Midway