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Vorvand Darkfur

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Rare Encounter Vorvand Darkfur.jpg

Type: Gnoll (List)

Race: Gnoll (List)

Sub-race: Fiendish Gnoll (List)

Monster Manual classification: Gnoll

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Boss: Orange Named - Mini Boss

CR:  ♦13Normal

Attack: Scimitar (Slashing + Fire), Longbow (Piercing + Pure Evil + Crippling[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"+ Crippling" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!]); Bite (Piercing + Fire + Bogdish Rot), Claw (Slashing + Fire)

Special Qualities: Fire Resistance, Cold Resistance, Extraplanar; Heroic Howl


  • Sands of Menechtarun — located on the Southeast side of the Burning Mountain. Get there by heading towards the mines and following the path to the East along the mountain side. She's at the end of it. — Slayer: Gnolls of Menechtarun 

Description: She is a Firebrand caster. Might drop Xuum or Chainmail Coif