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Veil (NPC)

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Name: Veil

Race: Drow Elf, Vampire

Gender: Female

Affiliation(s): Laughing Knives


Description: Veil is the Assassin of the Laughing Knives.

Jungles of Khyber[edit]

After you finally reach her by the last room in the quest, she will say:

  • Veil: First, my failure in the Vault of Night... and then the Inevitable chases me out of Stormreach... and now you, a mere <class>, have slain my minions with contemptuous ease.
  • Veil: Were it another time in my life, I would punish you. But I am not the vampire I once was—yes, I am a vampire, did you not know? That is why the Inevitable is after me. It seeks to destroy all who cheat death.
  • Veil: So, will you kill me now, or am I to wait for my death at the Inevitable's hands?
  • You: I'm not here to kill you. Your friend, Marek Malcanus, sent me to help you.
  • Veil: Friend? I did not think that my friends would send help... I had forgotten what a powerful resource the right friends could be. How foolish of me!
  • Veil: I can see now that it was a mistake for me to leave the Laughing Knives. Were they here now, the Inevitable would be but a paltry distraction.
  • Veil: Very well. If you defeat the Inevitable here, I shall return with you to Stormreach and rejoin the Laughing Knives.
  • Veil: This circle will protect me while you face the Inevitable. If you fail, it will not last long....

After you defeat the Marut, she will thank you:

  • Veil: It seems you have rewritten my destiny. Come, let us return to Stormreach.

The Vault of Night[edit]

Veil is found guarding the west entrance to the Accounting room. If you talk to her, she will say:

  • Veil: I do not often share my weapons, but I owe you much, <name>.
  • Veil: I offer you a quiver of arrows that will slay your enemies with ease. But aim well—the mage who crafted these missiles for me is long dead; when my last Avengers are gone, they are gone forever.
  • You: I shall wield Veil's Avengers in this fight.
  • Veil: They're yours for the taking.
  • Veil: However, the Laughing Knives only brought enough equipment for each member of your party to choose a single boon.
  • Veil: Are you sure you want my arrows, or would you speak to the other Knives before making this choice?
    • You: I'm certain. Give me the arrows. (Receive 100 Veil's Avengers)
      • Veil: May these arrows drink deep of your enemies' blood.
    • You: I shall to speak to the others first. (Walk away)

After you already acquired an item from one of the members of the Laughing Knives, she will say:

  • Veil: I can spare nothing else. Good hunting to you.