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User talk:Meander

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Working Space: Ignore the mess[edit]

  • Helma Omenbus - <The Fallen (2000)>, gnome arti female, lvl 22 hard, red
  • Rudus Caskrage- <The Fallen (2000)>, mino, male, lvl 22 hard, red
  • Gish Helion - <The Fallen (2000)>, gnoll, male, lvl 22 hard, orange
  • Quaspiel Mistwalker - <The Fallen (2000)>, evil outsider, angel, cr22 hard, red, immune to electric, nightshield

idea note- pressure plates, bear traps, pitfalls...comprehensive list of all the traps and mechanisms one can encounter.

  • soloists (nontrappers) find ways to time, leap, spring and circumvent many/most traps, could dovetail with trap info project

Character states:[edit]

These are not exactly debuffs, several confer benefit. Cast by NPC's or environment upon a player character.

New challenge - templates[edit]

Hello there. I am fully aware of your hard work here - thanks - but what if you learned something new, so that I could work less? This surely does sound interesting, am I right? Templates! While many templates are quite complex and obscure, easy templates are easy. In fact, some are very easy. If you were willing to give it a try, consider looking at T:Bludgeoning and use it to create T:Slashing. (Of course, this is all very optional, feel free to say no.) -- Cru121 (ContribsMessage) 08:33, April 3, 2019 (EDT)

  • Your silver tongue has me contemplating your offer. Throw in some cookies, or cake, or dancing demons and I will template the s**t out of anything you want. Give me all three and I will be your willing drone. I am easy like that. However, it will be a week before I can put my attention here. I suspect I will be template-creating for monster abilities as well as item description templates?
    • ....onlyinclude, includeonly, noinclude, sometimesincludeexceptonalternatingtuesdays...Yeah, you know I am going to cut and past and just fill-in the blanks, right? I take pride in my barbarian tactics... WORK HARDER NOT SMARTER! meander (ContribsMessage) 17:47, April 3, 2019 (EDT)
      • I may learn to regret asking, but is there an easy list of these things you want done, Cru121? meander (ContribsMessage) 17:18, April 8, 2019 (EDT)
        • Well, not really, I am vaguely aware that we still need Gashing, then iirc some sonic/elemental stuff is missing... I am sure there's a couple. My thought process was something like... this dude is working on items occasionally and might need new templates, so why not nudge him/her over the abyss. Next step after creating a template is trying to remember / searching the wiki if there wasn't another item where it could be used; (which is a pain in the ass in case of Slashing, because the word is everywhere, but a lot better for gashing for example). Then once you apply the template, you it's kinda nice to create the new categories (Slashing 2 items, etc). Also, perhaps a new page for the enchantment itself (which again in case of slashing is a complication, because we already have Slashing, so either add information there, or make the template point to Slashing (enchantment), or just ignore this part because this enchantment is not exactly rocket science. Yeah, so there's a couple things that could be done.-- Cru121 (ContribsMessage) 00:35, April 9, 2019 (EDT)
        • Oh and about templates for monster abilities... This kinda looks like work. And yeah, in ideal case this should be first thought out. And looks like you've been using DPL to pull lists of monsters with abilities. So I am not sure if templates are even necessary. --Cru121
          • @ item enchantments: OK, I will meander around and look, just to practice and feel useful.
          • @ monster abilities -- Is the template the only way to get the popup description explaining something? Tech13 suggested the template when he handled {{Burrow}} as an example. I prefer the popups over link hopping for most monster abilities. As for the work... I am more interested in monsters than I am hardware, so that works for me.
          • @ DPL - I question the functional value of the DPL more than I do the popup for monster abilities. The DPL is easy to add (copy and paste the one provided by Tech13), so I did, but the list serves very little purpose that I can fathom.
          • @ "...this should be first thought out." What questions need to be answered?

meander (ContribsMessage) 19:27, April 9, 2019 (EDT)

OK. So your main motivation for monster templates are popups. That's a good reason. So maybe start with updating Template:Burrow to make it a flagship template for monster ability templates.

  • Add some description. I think it's great when templates have usage and stuff. Other users can that understand easier WTF the template is used for / how to use it.
  • Then the template itself could belong under a category. Maybe something like Category:Item description templates. I don't think we need the monstrous table that noone ever updates; just the category list. This kinda makes me aware that something's bad happening there, there's stuff in that category that does not belong there, probably some missing onlyinclude/includeonly/etc somewhere.
  • Then there are the various monster categories, how should those be organized. Looking at what we have, looks like we have Category:Monsters by trait, so that should probably be the top category. Category:Burrowing monsters (and all other) should point there.
  • An additional minor issue is that, for items we have the namespace Item. We don't have that for monsters. For item templates, we check whether an article is in Item namespace before adding categories. We cannot do that for monsters. So the implication here is, careful where you are using monster ability templates, because User talk:Meander now shows up under Category:Burrowing monsters :) -- Cru121 (ContribsMessage) 01:16, April 10, 2019 (EDT)