Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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User talk:Kobold worker

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Welcome to DDO wiki! (- Now give kobold all you shiny! -)[edit]

Green steel color coding[edit]

Hi Kobold_Worker,

I've been working on cleaning up the Green Steel pages and making them clearer to understand. I was wondering if you know what the purpose of the bolding/italics and the yellow/gold/pink/white table background colors are for on the Invasion, Subjugation and Devastation Altar recipe tables? I can't find an explanation for them anywhere.

Thanks Aurhora (ContributionsMessage) 15:29, August 14th, 2012 (EDT)

Hello Aurhora, I think I can answer your question... The background colors are simply color coding to make it easier to put it all together with the image posted to the right.
Crafting AspectDominance.png

The gold/yellow/pink and bold/italics are distinguish which recipes are confirmed (Template:Item conf for items and Template:Weap conf for weapons) as opposed to the ones that are speculation based on the patterns (Template:Pattern) of the confirmed ones. I know it is slightly confusing, and when I have some more free time, I'll try to consolidate and clean up the templates.
ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 18:12, August 14, 2012 (EDT)

Hey ShoeMaker, thanks for your help! I mostly get it now. Is the white background an error, then? (See the "negative energy absorption" on the Invasion page and the "Combustion, Devotion, etc." on the Devastation page. Or is the white background indicative of something that has changed and needs to be fixed? I know that the mechanic for those effects has recently changed. I'm planning on trying to update these tables to be more accurate after checking out the in-game barter system. Aurhora (ContributionsMessage) 22:02, August 14th, 2012 (EDT)
There are a lot of inconsistencies on those pages as far as all of that goes. Considering the age of those pages, I'm tempted to just scrap the whole confirmed/pattern system because if something was a broken pattern, someone would have said something by now in my opinion (and if not, then scrapping it will get someone to say something resulting in more accurate information which is what it's all about anyways). I will move this conversation to an appropriate talk page about greensteel templates in a few days if no-one beats me to it. (I'll put a link on this page to where-ever I move it to.) Smile ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 04:36, August 15, 2012 (EDT)
Great, thanks very much! Aurhora (ContributionsMessage) 21:19, August 15th, 2012 (EDT)

1st time expansion purchase'[edit]

Hi Kobold, I'm new to purchasing pre-launch expansions. I just purchased the Shadowfell Conspiracy (49.00 ed.), how does it work? I notice i have 4 more character slots and a gold envelope in inventory, am i supposed to open it now or wait? Also got ...tome of learning, what do i do with it? Double click now, or do i wait? When checking my cart out I bought the Underdark pkg for 17.99 (1/2 price) and i see nothing about it. Do I wait till launch day then receive every thing then? Like I said, I'm new to this and I would hate to open the gold envelope when I'm not supposed to. Any other info you might be able to tell me in regards to this that I'm unaware of would really be appreciated. Thank you very much, Anirion

  • Kobold think some links here may help although kobold not clear on what you asking...
  • Gold envelope? Not sure what that is. I'm sure it is safe to open at any time or it wouldn't be in your inventory and if it did bug out, I'm sure you could get a replacement by submitting a ticket or a bug report.
  • Tome of Learning - I would use the Greater Tome on whichever account will be your main that you plan on TRing. Use Lesser tome of learning on all other characters.
Good luck! Kobold worker (Contributions⇑ top ⇑) 20:15, May 27, 2014 (EDT)

Cannith Crafting tables[edit]

I've been working on editing Cannith Crafting table 4b to show which nodes drop which "types" of collectibles. I've made some progress updating the table, but despite saving the changes they don't propagate onto the main page. ie: Logged in, I see the changes but if I log out the changes disappear. Is there something I am missing?

My workflow:

  1. Go to Cannith Crafting page. Cannith Crafting
  2. Scroll down to Collectables, press (edit)
  3. Press "Show Preview"
  4. Scroll to bottom where I find: Cannith Crafting/table 4b (edit), press edit
  5. Update table to reflect identified nodes.
  6. Show preview again to check changes.
  7. Save page.

I assume that this saves my changes and reveals them to all users. But clearly I am missing something.