Year of the Dragon: Through 24th September, claim one free Draconic Raiders Reward Box per server! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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User talk:Elliottcable

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  1. bobpop {
   display: none;


  1. again {
   display: none;


  1. bob:hover .warning {
   text-decoraton: blink;


  1. bob:hover #bobpop {
   display: block;


  1. bobpop:hover #bobmenu {
   display: inline;

} </css>

Past discussions archived to...

Syndeo's Guides[edit]

Hello this is Syndeo. I'm not sure how you put my guides but I cannot figure how to correctly add any new links as I expand my Guide list. If you could tell me how to correctly link them I would very much appreciate it -Syndeo

guide listing on the newbie guide page is automatically made by <ncl> (nice category list) wiki-extension. it automatically lists pages from category structure. to make your new articles appear in there, just tag em with [[Category:Syndeo's guides]]. i already created your category and stored it under Category:Newbie guides. thx for your contribution. --yoko5000 23:07, July 14, 2010 (EDT)

Elliott, are you still around?[edit]

Hey, as best as I can tell, you developed the Firefox search plugin, and I was wondering if I could get the source for that to base an mIRC script I'm working on for the wiki's new IRC channel on. If so, that would be great and thanks in advance. Big Grin -- ShoeMaker (Contributions Message) 16:47, June 17, 2012 (EDT)