Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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User talk:Byeshklord

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Double Rainbow[edit]

I've corrected the double rainbow table:

  • Layout had too many sections in it.
  • Table did not show as 'sortable' (small up/down arrows appear in the header of each column)
  • Gave it its own section on the page to save editing the entire page.
  • Colored the headers too
  • Amended some grammar/line breaks.

For any extra help - get in touch :o)

Agonshar (ContributionsMessage) | My projects | My ToDo list | My Sandbox | My Links 22:00, May 29, 2014 (EDT)

Renaming a Page[edit]

  • If you wish to rename a page, please use the move function and put the new page name as the destination. This preserves the page's history and creates a n automatic redirect from the old name. Do not simply copy the contents to a new page and then redirect the old one. Thanks. — Zav(C·T·E) 17:28, June 30, 2014 (EDT)
    • I tried doing that, but there does not appear to be any sort of "move" function in the edit settings. I've asked for similar help in the past but have been unable to figure it out myself. --Byeshklord (Contributions⇑ top ⇑) 20:30, June 30, 2014 (EDT)
      • Next to the Read, Edit, and View history buttons there should be an arrow; when you hover over it, it will give you more options, including Move. — Zav(C·T·E) 20:48, June 30, 2014 (EDT)

Still missing wiki privileges for 100 edits[edit]

Wonder if there's a place I can put forward a request to be added to that group, or if I should just wait till 250. --Byeshklord (Contribs⇑ top ⇑) 13:44, April 12, 2016 (EDT)

  • You were actually already in the DDO:Ddowikivip group since "08:37, June 22, 2014 Technical 13 (Talk | contribs | block) changed group membership for User:Byeshklord from (none) to DDOwiki VIP ({{UserEditAward|99}})", I just updated your counter on your page and added you to 250 group (DDO:Superuser) since 243 is close enough. ShoeMaker (ContribsMessage) 13:59, April 12, 2016 (EDT)

Redundant text best practice[edit]

Hi, this is regarding your recent updates to Two Handed Fighting and similar feats. When you want to insert the same text into multiple articles, it is recommended to create a new article, for example "Two Handed Fighting/table" or "Two Handed Fighting overview table". Then, you transclude this new article into each location where you want to have it (syntax: {{:Two Handed Fighting/table}}). The main benefit here is that whenever you want to edit the transcluded content, you only need to change it in one place, and it will update in all locations. Good luck. -- Cru121 (ContribsMessage) 05:46, February 28, 2020 (EST)