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The Harbor[edit]

Celaeno Kelle (Mushroom Collector, ML1 Ruby Augments)[edit]

Rewards Required Items
Random Ruby Augment (ML:1)
(Minor Elemental Damage 1d6, Spellpower 38)
Sweet Whitecap icon.png 20 Sweet Whitecaps
Deadly Feverblanch icon.png 10 Deadly Feverblanches
Pale Creeper icon.png 5 Pale Creepers
Specific Ruby Augment (ML:1)
(Minor Elemental Damage 1d6, Spellpower 38)
frameless Astral Shard 4 Astral Shards
Minor Flash Minor Flash Runestone (ML3, DC 24) Sweet Whitecap icon.png 3 Sweet Whitecaps
Elixir of Lesser Healing Sweet Whitecap icon.png 3 Sweet Whitecaps
Elixir of Moderate Healing Deadly Feverblanch icon.png 2 Deadly Deverblanches

House Jorasco[edit]

Item Quantity Reward


Beetle Collector : Mantakhan

Random ML:8 Topaz (30 Duskbrood Trumpeter, 10 Headsman Beetle, 5 Executioner Beetle)
Topaz Augments (ML:8, Yellow, Orange or Green Slot; 12 Astral Shards each)
- Topaz of (Elemental) Resistance 15
- Topaz of Power +50
- Topaz of Striding +15%
- Topaz of Proof Against Poison +4
- Topaz of Proof Against Disease +4
- Topaz of Blindness Immunity
- Topaz of Fear Immunity

Duskbrood Trumpeter icon.png Duskbrood Trumpeter
 used in Cannith Crafting
3 Elixir of Moderate Healing
Headsman Beetle icon.png Headsman Beetle
 used in Cannith Crafting
2 Arrowmint Leaves (Eagle's splendor ML:1, CL:20)
Executioner Beetle icon.png Executioner Beetle - Nothing

Fungus Collector : Farrik Foe Cleaver

Random ML:8 Diamond of Ability +3 (30 Sour Darkcap, 10 Fragrant Drowshood, 5 Flowering Hellscap)
Diamond Augments (ML:8, any color Slot; 12 Astral Shards Each)
- Diamond of (Ability) +3

Bloodfeast Fungus icon.png Sour Darkcap
 used in Cannith Crafting
- Nothing
Crimson Nightshade icon.png Fragrant Drowshood
 used for Force Damage Ritual and
 used in Cannith Crafting
2 Spicy Fungal Gumbo (Bull's Strength ML:1, CL:20), Elixir of Improved Healing
Deadly Feverblanch icon.png Flowering Hellscap - Nothing

Talisman Collector : Verisgante

Random ML:8 Sapphire (30 Amulet of the Lost Empire, 10 Amulet of the Six, 5 Amulet of the Archbishop)
Sapphire Augments (ML:8, Blue, Green or Purple Slot; 12 Astral Shards each)
- Sapphire of Natural Armor +3
- Sapphire of Protection +3
- Sapphire of Resistance +3
- Sapphire of Physical Resistance +6
- Sapphire of False Life +15
- Sapphire of Heavy Fortification

Amulet of the Lost Empire icon.png Amulet of the Lost Empire
 used in Cannith Crafting
10 Potion of Greater Heroism (ML:1, CL:10)
Amulet of the Lost Empire icon.png Amulet of the Lost Empire
 used in Cannith Crafting
3 Potion of Resist Electricity 30 (ML:10, CL:11) (interface shows as Electricity 30, but actually gives Potion of Resist Cold 30)
Amulet of the Lost Empire icon.png Amulet of the Six
 used in Cannith Crafting
- Nothing
Amulet of the Archbishop icon.png Amulet of the Archbishop - Nothing

House Deneith[edit]

Item Quantity Reward


Elemental Essence Collector : Flintchip Fireson

Random ML:8 Ruby Augment (30 Smoldering Ember, 10 Polished Ore, 5 Elemental Ingot)
Ruby Augments (ML:8, Red, Orange or Purple Slot; 12 Astral Shards Each)
- Ruby of (1-3 Elemental Damage)
- Ruby of (Spellpower) 54

Smoldering Ember icon.png Smoldering Ember
 used in Cannith Crafting
- Nothing
Polished Ore icon.png Polished Ore
 used in Cannith Crafting
2 100 +1 Arrows/Bolts of Elemental Bane, Elixir of Improved Healing
Elemental Ingot icon.png Elemental Ingot - Nothing

Infernal Essence Collector : Tara Wightraven

Random ML:8 Diamond of Ability +3 (30 Small Planar Crystal, 10 Planar Spoor, 5 Planar Talisman)
Diamond Augments (ML:8, any color Slot; 12 Astral Shards Each)
- Diamond of (Ability) +3

Small Planar Crystal icon.png Small Planar Crystal
 used in Cannith Crafting
- Nothing
Planar Spoor icon.png Planar Spoor
 used in Cannith Crafting
2 100 +1 Arrows/Bolts of Evil Outsider Bane, Elixir of Improved Healing
PlanarTalisman icon.png Planar Talisman - Nothing

Medicinal Spore Collector : Chirugeon Laj'Amal

Random ML:8 Sapphire (30 Bruised Spore Pod, 10 Intact Spore Pod, 5 Flowering Spore Pod)
Sapphire Augments (ML:8, Blue, Green or Purple Slot; 12 Astral Shards each)
- Sapphire of Natural Armor +3
- Sapphire of Protection +3
- Sapphire of Resistance +3
- Sapphire of Physical Resistance +6
- Sapphire of False Life +15
- Sapphire of Heavy Fortification

Deadly Feverblanch icon.png Bruised Spore Pod
 used in Cannith Crafting
3 Elixir of Moderate Healing
Sweet Whitecap icon.png Intact Spore Pod 2 Spore Sap [Cure Serious Wounds] (ML:1, CL:15), Elixir of Improved Healing
Pale Creeper icon.png Flowering Spore Pod - Nothing

Deneith Ward Collectors[edit]

These Potions DO stack with all other bonuses; they give an Alchemical Bonus to either skills or ability scores. 2 minutes duration.

Item Quantity Reward


Ritual Paraphernalia Collector : Maxon the Dreamwalker
Blessed Candle icon.png Blessed Candle
 used in Cannith Crafting
3 Potion of Influence +1, Potion of Eagle's Skill +1 [Cha or Cha Based Skills]
Silver Bowl icon.png Silver Bowl 2 Potion of Influence +2, Potion of Eagle's Skill +2
Ritual Athame icon.png Ritual Athame 1 Potion of Influence +3, Potion of Eagle's Skill +3

Fungus Collector : Tarbox
Ruddy Fungus icon.png Ruddy Fungus
 used in Cannith Crafting
3 Potion of Grace +1, Potion of Cat's Skill +1 [Dex or Dex Based Skills]
Bloodfeast Fungus icon.png Bloodfeast Fungus 2 Potion of Grace +2, Potion of Cat's Skill +2
Sanguine Moth icon.png Sanguine Moth 1 Potion of Grace +3, Potion of Cat's Skill +3

Text Collector : Magda Yarrowmill
Runic Parchment icon.png Mystical Formula
 used in Cannith Crafting
3 Potion of Reason +1, Potion of Knowledge +1, Potion of Owl's Skill +1, Potion of Fox's Skill +1 [Wis/Int or Wis/Int Based Skills]
Silver Flame Hymnal icon.png Academic Treatise 2 Potion of Reason +2, Potion of Knowledge +2, Potion of Owl's Skill +2, Potion of Fox's Skill +2
Tome Lost Songs of Cyre icon.png Tome: Alchemist's Chapbook 1 Potion of Reason +3, Potion of Knowledge +3, Potion of Owl's Skill +3, Potion of Fox's Skill +3

Drow Artifact Collector : Zolar Drexxian
Chipped Bone Talisman icon.png Chipped Bone Talisman
 used in Cannith Crafting
3 Potion of Prowess +1, Potion of Health +1, Potion of Bull's Skill +1 [Str/Con or Str Based Skills]
Ivory Scorpion Icon icon.png Ivory Scorpion Icon 2 Potion of Prowess +2, Potion of Health +2, Potion of Bull's Skill +2
Tear of Vulkoor icon.png Tear of Vulkoor 1 Potion of Prowess +3, Potion of Health +3, Potion of Bull's Skill +3

House Phiarlan[edit]

Item Quantity Reward


Intelligence Collector : Seld the Gray Sister

Random ML:8 Sapphire (30 Runic Parchment, 10 House-Sealed Letter, 5 Tome: History of The Houses)
Sapphire Augments (ML:8, Blue, Green or Purple Slot; 12 Astral Shards each)
- Sapphire of Natural Armor +3
- Sapphire of Protection +3
- Sapphire of Resistance +3
- Sapphire of Physical Resistance +6
- Sapphire of False Life +15
- Sapphire of Heavy Fortification

Runic Parchment icon.png Runic Parchment
 used in Cannith Crafting
3 Potion of Resist Sonic 30 (ML:10, CL:11)
House-Sealed Letter icon.png House-Sealed Letter 2 Elixir of Improved Healing
Tome Myths of Old Xen'drik icon.png Tome: History of The Houses - Nothing

Omen Collector : Kayla Skywhisper

Random ML:8 Diamond of Ability +3 (30 Lodestone, 10 Moonstone, 5 Stellar Orb)
Diamond Augments (ML:8, any color Slot; 12 Astral Shards Each)
- Diamond of (Ability) +3

Lodestone icon.png Lodestone
 used in Cannith Crafting
3 Potion of Resist Cold 30 (ML:10, CL:11) (interface shows as Cold 30, but actually gives Potion of Resist Electricity 30)
Moonstone icon.png Moonstone 10 Potion of Fire Shield (Cool) (ML:1, CL:20)
Stellar Orb icon.png Stellar Orb - Nothing

Soarwood Collector : Bowdlin

Random ML:8 Ruby Augment (30 Singed Soarwood, 10 Charred Soarwood, 5 Lightning-Split Soarwood)
Ruby Augments (ML:8, Red, Orange or Purple Slot; 12 Astral Shards Each)
- Ruby of (1-3 Elemental Damage)
- Ruby of (Spellpower) 54

Singed Soarwood icon.png Singed Soarwood
 used in Cannith Crafting
3 Potion of Resist Fire 30 (ML:10, CL:11)
Charred Soarwood icon.png Charred Soarwood 10 Potion of Fire Shield (Warm) (ML:1, CL:20)
Lightning-Split Soarwood icon.png Lightning-Split Soarwood
 used for Resistance Ritual
- Nothing

Herb Collector : Demodris Meele
Collectableicon LilyPetal.png Lily Petal
 used in Cannith Crafting
3 Lily Extract (Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds)
Amber Vial icon.png Woodblossom Nectar 2 Woodblossom Mead (Potion of Panacea) with funnel
Crimson Nightshade icon.png Crimson Nightshade 1 Crimson Nightshade Infusion (Potion of Remove Curse and Panacea)

The Necropolis[edit]

The following can only be acquired by killing undead mobs in Litany of the Dead Part 1 - 3 quests. Additional collectors are unlocked as you complete Necro 1-3 chains.

Item Quantity Reward


Emerald Claw Camp Collector : Mikela Ravenspear
Amulet of the Archbishop icon.png Vol Prayer Charm 10 Elixir of Greater Healing
Amulet of the Archbishop icon.png Vol Prayer Charm 3 Potion of Lesser Restoration (ML:1, CL:3)
Collectableicon MarkOfFavor.png Mark of Favor 2 Potion of Shield of Faith +5 (ML:5, CL:12)
Abbot's Ring icon.png Abbot's Ring 1 Potion of Death Ward (ML:1, CL:20)
Emerald Claw Camp Collector : Grayson Harkness
Emerald Claw Camp Collector : Yanooush the Dour

Silver Flame Camp Collector : Ninevah Shadowsbough
Amulet of the Archbishop icon.png Vol Prayer Charm 3 Elixir of Moderate Healing, Elixir of Improved Healing
Collectableicon MarkOfFavor.png Mark of Favor 2 Lesser Petrify Runestone (ML:8, DC 29)
Abbot's Ring icon.png Abbot's Ring 1 Potion of Restoration (ML:1, CL:10)
Silver Flame Camp Collector : Jessica Three-Rivers
Silver Flame Camp Collector : Korryon

The Red Fens[edit]

Item Quantity Reward


Pearl Collector : Dagni d'Kundarak
Collectableicon VerdantSwampPearl.png Verdant Swamp Pearl 3 Elixir of Moderate Healing
Collectableicon RosySwampPearl.png Rosy Swamp Pearl 2 Elixir of Improved Healing
Collectableicon GoldenSwampPearl.png Golden Swamp Pearl 1 Token of Vulkoor

Lordsmarch Plaza[edit]

Item Quantity Reward


Ingredient Collector : Gudby Sorrel
Pale Creeper icon.png Swaying Mushroom Cluster 3 Elixir of Improved Healing
Polished Ore icon.png Swaying Mushroom Spore Pod 2 Elixir of Greater Healing
Luminescent Dust icon.png Glowmoss Clump 1 Random mixed loot like from a chest

Antiquity Collector : Mela Thryn
Blessed Candle icon.png Ritual Candle 3 Offensive Potion of Wonder
Vial of Pure Water icon.png Vial of Heavy Water 2 Defensive Potion of Wonder
Moonstone icon.png Oceanic Sphere 1 Potion of Wonder

Other Collectables in game[edit]

See also Ingredients

  • Tear of Dhakaan Shards (Amber, Lapis, Moonstone, Malachite, Agate, Cinnabar)