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Formerly known as "LotROLinux", PyLotRO is an open-source application written using python coding language. It was developed to act as a launcher for Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online under Linux environments, but recent binary, or "stand-alone," builds allowed simple guided installation using Wine (A Windows compatibility layer for Linux), also allows installation of this launcher in Windows itself.

Major difference between this software and the Turbine launcher:

  • PyLotRO can be closed while the client is open.
  • Turbine launcher checks to see if a client is already open, and will not allow you to open a 2nd client (see #Multiboxing)

Installation under Windows[edit]

To be added...

Setup under Windows[edit]

To be added...

Installation under Linux[edit]

To be added...

Setup under Linux[edit]

To be added...


Official site:

LotR Lorebook site on PyLotRO


Multiboxing is having the ability to play multiple characters at the same time, either on the same (often called dual-logging, or multi-logging) or different computers.

You can log into different accounts at the same time. Logging into the same account again will simply close your first client with an error stating "User logged into (SERVER NAME) server."

The replacement lanucher, PyLotRO, bypasses the normal

The input method DDO utilizes stems from Windows system input, and therefore does not seem to allow any software inputs to go through into the DDO client. (For example: Logitech G15 macro keys, and key-cloning (sends keystrokes to multiple windows) softwares like Hotkeynet do not work.)

At this time the only way to control more than one character is to have multiple keyboards within reach or a KVM switch.

Further experimentation is needed here.