Year of the Dragon: Through 21st January, claim your free Dragon Path Aura Footprints! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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My works in progress[edit]

I'm tinkering with formatting and editing, and just making sure everything is linked properly before posting elsewhere... this is the purpose of the sandbox!!

Quick Links[edit]


Testing Area[edit]


Warn.png This user should come with a warning tag.

Smiley wilting.jpg


Sandbagging is a term used to describe a person who does gains enough experience points (XP) to level, but does not partake in order to do lower level quests. A player may do this up to a soft-cap of 1 XP before they gain an additional level beyond that which they have not yet taken.


A player achieves enough XP to take level 3, but does not do so in order to do level 1 quests without penalty. (There is a -10% penalty for players 2 levels above a quests intended level). This player will be able to remain level 2, gain all the XP, except for 1 point, of level 3, before they will gain no further XP.

numbers need confirmation - possible table format, with XP values (and possible TR XP values, accounting for level bracket?)

Level 1 will cap at rank 10
Level 2 will cap at rank 15
Level 3 will cap at rank 20
Level 4 will cap at rank 25
Level 5 will cap at rank 30
Level 6 will cap at rank 35
Level 7 will cap at rank 40
Level 8 will cap at rank 45
Level 9 will cap at rank 50
Level 10 will cap at rank 55
Level 11 will cap at rank 60
Level 12 will cap at rank 65
Level 13 will cap at rank 70
Level 14 will cap at rank 75
Level 15 will cap at rank 80
Level 16 will cap at rank 85
Level 17 will cap at rank 90
Level 18 will cap at rank 95 (Max Rank)

Rank 95 + 1 XP = experience cap (Level 20)

XP Bonus Table[edit]

Secret Doors Discovered Breakables Smashed Traps Disabled No/Few Kills Many Kills
Observance Bonus (+5%): Mischief Bonus (+8%): Tamper Bonus (+8%): Discreet Bonus (+5%): Aggression Bonus (+10%):
Perception Bonus (10%): Vandal Bonus (+10%): Neutralization Bonus (+10%): Devious Bonus (+7%): Onslaught Bonus (+15%):
Vigilant Sight Bonus (15%): Ransack Bonus (+15%): Ingenious Debilitation (+15%): Insidious Cunning (+10%): Conquest Bonus (+25%):

XP Bonus Table[edit]

Secret Doors Discovered Breakables Smashed Traps Disabled No/Few Kills Many Kills
Observance Bonus (+5%): Mischief Bonus (+8%): Tamper Bonus (+8%): Discreet Bonus (+5%): Aggression Bonus (+10%):
Perception Bonus (10%): Vandal Bonus (+10%): Neutralization Bonus (+10%): Devious Bonus (+7%): Onslaught Bonus (+15%):
Vigilant Sight Bonus (15%): Ransack Bonus (+15%): Ingenious Debilitation (+15%): Insidious Cunning (+10%): Conquest Bonus (+25%):