Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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/* For Tabs on my User Page */
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This is an archive of: User:Taurolyon/Projects Please do not edit this page- add comments or edits to the original page!
This was moved from User:Taurolyon/Journal
This was a little notepad on how I was retooling some of the nasty black-backgrounded old enhancement icons with new shadowy transparant backgrounds.
Passive Icon Project
Many of the icons use GIF format with plain black backgrounds. (IMO, *blech!*)
I've started to work on updating a few of them to PNG with a softened/shadowed transparency background...
Photoshop steps:
- Take GIF image and copy, then paste to RGB 8 bit/channel transparent background of the same size.
- Magic Wand select the black area - don't worry about the few pixels that get selected that aren't black.
- 5 Tolerance
- Anti-aliased
- Contiguous
- Invert selection
- Expand Selection by 1px
- Feather Selection by 1px
- Invert Selection (again)
- Use eraser with massive brush (I use 2500px, but more than 100px will do) to remove background and give you finished product.