Year of the Dragon: Through 21st January, claim your free Dragon Path Aura Footprints! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Passive Icon Project[edit]

Many of the icons use GIF format with plain black backgrounds. (IMO, *blech!*)

I've started to work on updating a few of them to PNG with a softened/shadowed transparency background...

BEFORE: Trap Sense.gif............. AFTER: Trap Sense.png

Photoshop steps:

  1. Take GIF image and copy, then paste to RGB 8 bit/channel transparent background of the same size.
  2. Magic Wand select the black area - don't worry about the few pixels that get selected that aren't black.
    1. 5 Tolerance
    2. Anti-aliased
    3. Contiguous
  3. Invert selection
  4. Expand Selection by 1px
  5. Feather Selection by 1px
  6. Invert Selection (again)
  7. Use eraser with massive brush (I use 2500px, but more than 100px will do) to remove background and give you finished product.

Talk:Enhancements/List of enhancement icons

Human Dexterity.gif >> Human Dexterity.png