Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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35 edits and counting!
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You are now buried two feet under. The dark side is calling you...

Archpareto has less than 100 edits - you can do it!

DDOwikiEditor.jpg DDOwiki Editor since:

August 8, 2018.

Hope is the armour of the wise, kindness their weapon, courage their mount; and the destination of all their journeys is understanding.

-The Good Book by A.C. Grayling


Do you know what you're doing?[edit]

Only sometimes.

Do you have any other wiki experience?[edit]

Not in the slightest.

What makes you a good candidate to modify things on the wiki?[edit]

I care about the details, and really like consistency.

What real life skill do you have that would transfer best into DDO?[edit]

I can juggle a respectable number of objects simultaneously.