Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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My To-Do List[edit]
Scrolls, Wands, and Potions[edit]
Going to breathe some new life into this project soon[edit]
- Going to add/update all vendors with their current inventories
- Going one shop/area at a time, might take a while
- Update all spells with locations of where you can find scrolls/wands/potions of it
- Create and maintain a page with information about the YourDDO tool that I created. [DONE]
- Include areas on the page for the other tools included on the site [DONE]
- Create collectibles database and create statistics page on common locations to find collectibles. [DONE, PRIVATE AT THE MOMENT]
My Page[edit]
- Create it........ [DONE]
DDO Wiki Handyman[edit]
- Apparently I am slowly falling in to the role of fixing little stuff around the wiki that are broke. Mainly CSS errors for now. If you find stuff broken, start a discussion about it on the page's discussion, and if the site admin's determine it's not a template problem or not...
UserTabs Template[edit]
- Templat-ize the Archive code
- Remove all references to the former Enterwiki from the wiki (other than in talk pages)
Unused Templates[edit]
- Archive or delete old unused templates to help avoid confusion to newer editors when they are looking for a template to use