Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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<css> /* For Tabs on my User Page */ .tab { position: relative; float: left; width: 100px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 4px; border: solid 1px #aaa; border-bottom: none; text-align: center; height: 30px; vertical-align: text-bottom; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-top-right-radius: 10px; padding-top: 5px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #000;
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Quest Mission Info Beautification[edit]
Quest Mission Info Examples[edit]
Heroic level: | 5 |
Heroic XP: | ♣1,152Solo/Casual ♦2,060Normal ♥2,200Hard ♠2,340Elite |
Epic level: | 20 |
Epic XP: | ♣6,874Solo/Casual ♦11,856Normal ♥12,255Hard ♠12,654Elite |
Quest acquired in: | House Phiarlan |
Bestowed by: | Ochre |
Takes place in: | Golden Wing Side Entrance |
Duration: | Long |
Patron: | House Phiarlan |
Base favor: | 4 |
Free to Play: | No |
Extreme Challenge: | No |
Heroic level: | 5 |
Heroic XP: | ♣1,152Solo/Casual ♦2,060Normal ♥2,200Hard ♠2,340Elite |
Epic level: | 20 |
Epic XP: | ♣6,874Solo/Casual ♦11,856Normal ♥12,255Hard ♠12,654Elite |
Quest acquired in: | House Phiarlan |
NPC contact: | Ochre |
Takes place in: | Golden Wing Side Entrance |
Duration: | Long |
Patron: | House Phiarlan |
Base favor: | 4 |
Free to Play: | No |
Extreme Challenge: | No |
General Notes[edit]
- Working on adding some sort of functional transperancy, look in my sandbox to see what I'm talking about
- I never really understood the purpose for having a "Short" and a "Long" popup. Always seemed rather redundant. Could add a switch to make the popup a little longer, but popup's are only supposed to contain little tidbits of extra info that compliment the word or phrase being hovered over.
Project Notes[edit]
- Removing the defunct Enterwiki reference to a Trueglass theme specific image
- Moving the popup to a more functional location
- General beautification
- Removed deprecated CSS styles and HTML
- Removed need for outdated infobox template
- Added tooltip icon to easily identify words/phrases/sentences with tooltips
- Updated cursor icon to show the "I" when hovering over text to help users identify that they can select and copy text
- Moved the width variable to the end so it may be omitted if desired without breaking the template
{{{1}}}Please enter information for this popup
{{Popup|{{{1|Text displayed in article}}}|{{{2|Insert popup text here}}}|{{{3|short}}} }}
This is what will show in an articleThis is what is inside the tooltip. The text inside this tooltip is fully selectable and able to be copied if desired.
You can also make links. User:Ague
Site Notice Cleanup[edit]
- Clean up and make the main site navigation located in the MediaWiki:Sitenotice pop a little from the rest of the page content
- Moved the bottom row to the top and gave it a shaded background to stand out from the general navigation
- Added a header row (the line) to separate the two different sections of the nav box
- Alphabetized the main list to keep it nicely organized
- Added a minute drop shadow to make the box stand out slightly from the rest of the page content
Finished Project[edit]
Game mechanics • Newbie guide • In development • DDO Store • IRC Chat
Challenges | Classes | Collectables | Crafting | Enhancements | Epic Destinies | Favor
Feats | Glossary | Items | Maps | Monsters | Places | Quests | Races | Skills | Spells