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Unstable Portal

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Unstable Portal.jpg

Type: Construct (List)

Race: Inanimate Object (List)

Monster Manual classification: Unknown

Alignment: True Neutral

Rare: No

CR:  ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦21Epic Normal ♥25Epic Hard ♠30Epic Elite

Attack: Summon Fire Reavers

Special Qualities: DR  ♦22Epic Normal/-, Immunity to all elemental damage and sonic. Alignment, Light, Force and Negative Energy damage works normally.


Description: While those portals are active, reinforcements will keep spawning infinitely, until everyone is dead, the demon is defeated, or everyone teleports out (using Dimension Door or recalling).

A good archer focused on "portal duty" can take them down before it can summon reavers on heroic.