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Troglodyte Stench

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Possessed by: Troglodytes

Description: You are sickened. You are suffering penalties to your speed, attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves, and cannot tumble.

When hit in combat for the first time (or when doing the first attack), troglodytes leave a stinky cloud where they stood. If you fail a Fortitude save, you get sickened for one minute. Neutralize Poison can remove the condition, and prevents stench for the duration the poison immunity persists. Warforgeds are naturally immune to Troglodyte Stench because they don't breath.

Creature Entries[edit]

The following creatures have been confirmed to have a troglodyte stench (there might be more - research continues - be on your guard).

  1. Troglodyte
  2. Hissahr
  3. Hyss
  4. Troglodyte Chief
  5. Troglodyte Shaman
  6. Thresh
  7. Warlock Cyressy
  8. Xeshahl
  9. Chieftain Zaokh
  10. Iss'lar
  11. Warlock Slyssaris
  12. Shaman Prysass
  13. Shaman Shiressis
  14. Kisslor
  15. Shaman Hyrassis
  16. Slass
  17. Dhulokk
  18. Matriarch Sishliss
  19. Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Ranger
  20. Fiendish Troglodyte Sergeant
  21. Fiendish Troglodyte Hunter
  22. Fiendish Troglodyte Stalker
  23. Fiendish Troglodyte Shaman
  24. Jungle Troglodyte
  25. Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Theurge
  26. Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Stalker
  27. Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Warmaster
  28. Blight Guardian
  29. Hadarach
  30. Xassak
  31. High Priest Shylssass
  32. Acedia
  33. Fiendish Troglodyte Archer
  34. Fiendish Troglodyte Skirmisher
  35. Fiendish Troglodyte Warrior
  36. Gizhiss
  37. Chieftain Ryssyssal
  38. Juibless Apprentice
  39. Juibless Devotee
  40. Juibless Preacher
  41. Juibless Warlock
  42. Juibless Warlord
  43. Shaman Syssimar
  44. Warlord Hissyasha
  45. Garkoth the Wiley
  46. Fiendish Troglodyte Guard
  47. Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Assassin
  48. Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Sniper
  49. Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Sorcerer
  50. Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Warchief
  51. Fiendish Troglodyte Swordsman
  52. Fiendish Troglodyte Scout
  53. Hunter of Shavarath
  54. Shaman of Shavarath
  55. Stalker of Shavarath
  56. Thasnoss the Mad
  57. Fiendish Troglodyte Sniper
  58. Troglodyte Evoker
  59. Troglodyte Exterminator
  60. Fiendish Troglodyte Bloodblade
  61. Fiendish Troglodyte Thaumaturge
  62. Kassask