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NPC Trathimis.jpg

Name: Trathimis <Farshifter>

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Location: Guild Airships, Farshifter's Chamber Amenity

Description: Hovering over a Portal of Damnation that he stole from the Inferno of the Damned, Trathimis helps the members of Guilds who have requested his help to travel to a variety of locations around Eberron and beyond.

Notes: Trathimis the Farshifter can be found in the Farshifter's Chamber (Guild Level 11 amenity) on board Guild Airships, if the guild has reached a high enough level, owns the amenity and has a hold room available for it

Trathimis: Wish to do more than knock about Stormreach? I can send you far from here... with the blink of an eye.
Simply tell me where you wish to go...