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Litany of the Dead Part 3

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The Necropolis, Part 3 adpack icon.jpg
350 DP Requires access to adventure pack: The Necropolis, Part 3

Litany of The Dead Part 3 is a story arc given out in The Necropolis. The story arc consists of five main quests.

Litany of The Dead Part 3[edit]

Quests by Favor[edit]

Quest Name Quest Level Total Favor Patron
Tomb of the Blighted 11 18 The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Forbidden 11 18 The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Tormented 11 18 The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Unhallowed 11 18 The Silver Flame
The Cursed Crypt 12 21 The Silver Flame
Total 5 Quests 93 Favor

Emerald Claw Nugget[edit]

  • Emerald Claw Nugget can be upgraded up to three times in The Cursed Crypt altar to become an Emerald Claw Talisman.

Silver Flame Nugget[edit]

  • Silver Flame Nugget can be upgraded up to three times in The Cursed Crypt altar to become a Silver Flame Talisman.

Scarab Collectibles[edit]

Scarabs are acquired in the end chest of each quest. Combine one of each of the following Scarabs in the Stone of Change:

This will make an Eerie Scarab Powder that needs to be turned in to Squire Rale in the Necropolis for any one of the following: