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Times Long Past

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Times Long Past is the 4th quest in the Magic of Myth Drannor Part Two story arcIcon tooltip.pngStory arcs  are chains of quests that make up a story line.
Completing everything in a story arc often yields a nice reward.
These quests can be completed in any order.
Secrets of the Red Wizards • The House of Gems • Voices of the Dead • Times Long Past • The Zulkir's Plan

Labelas Enoreth is the Elven god of time. More respected than worshipped, this enigmatic deity seldom intervenes in mortal affairs. Yet you've been sent here to find out the truth about the ritual that created the Key to the Mythal.

Magic of Myth Drannor adpack icon.jpg
DDO Point icon.png Requires access to adventure pack: Magic of Myth Drannor
Times Long Past
Heroic level: 13
Epic level: 35
(considered Legendary)
Duration: Very Long
Heroic XP:  ♣4,696Solo/Casual ♦8,196Normal ♥8,564Hard ♠8,932Elite
Epic XP:  ♣27,230Solo/Casual ♦46,432Normal ♥47,481Hard ♠48,529Elite
Takes place in: The Temple to Labelas Enoreth
Bestowed by: Neremyn Proris
NPC contact: Neremyn Proris
Quest acquired in: Outskirts of Myth Drannor
Patron: Cormanthor Elves
Base favor: 7
Purchase: Magic of Myth Drannor
Extreme Challenge: No
Overlapping areas pulled apart
Second floor
Loading screen


Go to the Ruins of Myth Drannor to find the entrance to the Temple of Labelas Enoreth and look for the Key to the Mythal.

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Read the Plaque
  • Investigate the secret of the Key to the Mythal (6)
  • Kneel at the Altar
  • Step through the rift
  • Leave the Temple of Labelas Enoreth
  • Explore the Mythal Consortium
  • Find a way to the second floor
  • Find the High Mages' Ritual Tower
  • Unlock the back door
  • Find a way into the guarded door
  • Enter the Courtyard
  • Enter the tower
  • Convince the High Mages that you're trustworthy
  • Speak to Lady Ahrendue Echorn
  • Speak to Earynspieir Ongluth
  • Speak to the Srinshee
  • Witness the ritual
  • Turn Sir Ildrannath back into a man in the present
  • Speak to the Sir Ildrannath
  • Return to the Temple of Labelas Enoreth
  • Fight the Fang Dragon
  • Return to the present
  • (Optional) Defeat the Displacer Beast — Bonus (20%): Heroic( ♣939 ♦1,639 ♥1,713 ♠1,786 ) Legendary( ♣5,446 ♦9,286 ♥9,496 ♠9,706 )
  • (Optional) Water the sapling — no XP
  • (Optional) Fight the dryad — Bonus (20%): Heroic( ♣939 ♦1,639 ♥1,713 ♠1,786 ) Legendary( ♣5,446 ♦9,286 ♥9,496 ♠9,706 )
  • (Optional) Fight the Elemental — Bonus (20%): Heroic( ♣939 ♦1,639 ♥1,713 ♠1,786 ) Legendary( ♣5,446 ♦9,286 ♥9,496 ♠9,706 )

Tips and Misc

  • Your visit to Earynspieir Ongluth's grave resulted in a very disconcerting discovery: a note addressing you by name, and a cryptic collection of objects directing you to a ruined temple of the Elven god of time.
  • On your first visit, this quest can be very confusing. It requires you to teleport back and forth between two alternatives of the same map, in a similar vein to Through a Mirror Darkly and Beautiful Nightmares – in this case you're time travelling back and forth between two versions of the Mythal Consortium, which is a pristine building full of mages in the past, but a monster-infested ruin in the present.
  • To start your time-travelling adventure, interact with the altar to gain the blessing of Labelas Enoreth. This will allow you to see time rifts, which are how you switch between the past and present. Time rifts look like doors made of orange fire and often only appear once you've killed a few nearby monsters (in the past) or performed a specific action on the present (this might be reading a note, pulling a lever, picking up a key or talking to a critical NPC.) Notably, rifts also aren't visible until you get within a certain distance of them.
  • Your first Rift now appears in front of you. Interact with it (this can theoretically be done by clicking on it but in many cases it's easier to select it from the focus orb) to enter the past, then climb the nearby ladder, use the door to go outside, cross the bridge and enter the Mythal Consortium.
  • While outside, have a look out at the still inhabited and pristine Myth Drannor.
  • Once inside the Consortium, head down the stairs and take the door to the west. Follow this path until you come to a door you can't interact with, then speak to the enthusiastic Consortium Society Mage leaning on the wall. This opens a nearby rift.
  • Now you're back in the present, head through the door you couldn't interact with, take the first turning to the left, and use levers to open the path back into the entrance hall. Note the position of the staircase to the second floor – there's little but rubble here in the past, but you'll need to return here in the present later.
  • Now take the east door from the entrance hall and enter the ruins of the bar. There's a lever here by a stuffed Owlbear head which opens a secret door in another room and a rift back to the past.
  • Enter the rift, head south, and speak to another Consortium Society Mage blocking the door. A third Consortium Society Mage, dressed in orange and standing next to another Owlbear head, will tell you about the High Mage's Ritual Tower – this opens another nearby rift.
  • Return to the present and enter the secret door. You'll need to return to the past via a rift inside almost immediately, as the tunnel is blocked – this allows you to enter a door at the other end of the tunnel.
    • There's another rift near this door, which is completely optional – it leads to the optional Displacer Beast Yulius. You won't be able to make any progress from this rift while in the present, so once you're done, loot the chest and head back to the past.
  • Fight off the guardians in the next room and head west. From here, three of your four potential routes are blocked – the door in the kitchen doesn't open in the present, the back door is locked, and the North door requires a blue lever to be pulled. Head through the door nearest to you, speak to another Consortium Society Mage, grab the Jeweled Key and enter the rift.
  • In the present, exit the shrine room (you'll need to jump over a low wall) and head west to the kitchen. Use the Jeweled Key to open the door to the cellars.
  • Enter the cellars and head west. Defeat the Undead in front of you to open doors to the Silver Key and a shrine, then head south to confront a bunch of Demons. Once the portal closes, you can head back into the past to pull the blue crystal lever. You can now head back out of the cellars, or use the rift in the portal room to immediately return to the present and go back and use the rift in the bathroom again – this lets you skip a couple of fights but you also miss out on a locked chest (which is where the shrine was in the present) and an optional fight against a Dryad. (If heading back in the past, note that the stone doors won't open until the nearby Bats and Spiders are dead.)
    • To complete the optional fight against the Dryad, head through the door leading East (from the second intersection in the caves) and interact with the sapling. A nearby rift opens, allowing you to fight the Dryad in the present. The nearby door remains locked in the present even after beating the Dryad, so to leave this room you'll need to defeat her and use another rift to return to the past.
  • Head through the blue crystal door and go all the way north to unlock the Silver Key door. This leads to the staircase to the second floor. The door to Earynspear's rooms is guarded in the past and locked in the present, so head through the rift by the guards and go through a wooden door in the present.
Yellow lever puzzle
  • Kill all the monsters in the Library and use the rift this unlocks. Head south through the door, defeat the guardians, enter another rift, and climb up the ladder. Defeat some more monsters to open another rift, then solve the tile puzzle to unlock the lever you need to open the yellow crystal door in the past. Now head back down the ladder, pull the lever to open the secret door, and leave the library (you'll need to use the first rift you opened here to return to the present as the final door is still locked in the past.)
  • Back by the Gold Key Door, use the rift to return to the past and enter the yellow crystal door. Read the note in the centre of the room, then use another rift to return to the present. Head west into the alchemy lab, beat the monsters to open a rift back to the past, then beat the Shield Guardians and pull the green crystal lever. Finally, use the rift in the alchemy lab to enter the present, then return to the past in the room with the note.
  • Enter the green crystal door. Head east, beat the elementals, then use the rift to the present. Read the note by the cauldron (this note doesn't update your objectives and isn't required for quest completion; this is likely not WAI) and beat the monsters, then head west, beat another set of monsters and return to the past. After beating the Shield Guardians, collect the gold key, return to the present, then return to the past in the cauldron room.
  • Finally, head back to the Gold Key Door, enter the present, unlock it and enter. Use the rift to the past, then grab the Iron Key and read the note. Return to the present, exit the bedroom, then return to the past by the Gold Key Door and return to the first floor via the door marked "Downstairs". Now head all the way south and unlock the door to the Courtyard.
  • In the courtyard, three directions await you. The Servant's Quarters, to the East, contains nothing but a shrine, some breakables and a bunch of collectables (in the past) and a few Wights and Carrion Crawlers (in the present.) The Storage Room to the West contains a lot more breakables and the optional fire elemental – to fight that, head up the ladder in the past and watch the Consortium Wizard fatally botch a summoning ritual. (There's a locked chest in the same location in the present.) To continue the quest, head south and present Ongluth's signet ring to the guard on the left side of the door.
  • Now that you're in the tower, head upstairs and speak to Earynspieier, the Srinshee and Lady Echorn. Once this is done, the mages perform the ritual that creates the Key to the Mythal – which, as it turns out, involves imbuing Sir Ildrannath with the power to control the Mythal and then turning him into the bear you met in Ildrannath's Tower. Once this is done, use the rift to return to the present – here, the Srinshee will turn Ildrannath back into a man, allowing you to arrange to meet him in Castle Cormanthor to challenge the Red Wizards.
    • Bug: Wait for the ritual scripts to finish, especially before talking to Ildrannath. Otherwise the exit door may stay closed.
    • If you're wondering what the colored torches are, they were part of a cut puzzle that was in the quest during its Lamannia preview. In the live version, the Srinshee seems to have decided she can do this bit of the ritual on her own.
  • One final threat awaits you in the present version of the courtyard – the Fang Dragon Ravcosa! Once the Dragon is laid low, a final time rift allows you to return to the past, where a Dimension Door will bring you back to the Temple of Labelas Enoreth – here, use the very first time rift to return back to the present and complete your quest.

Bonus XP

  • Aggression bonus: 31 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣470 ♦820 ♥856 ♠893 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 62 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣704 ♦1,229 ♥1,285 ♠1,340 )
  • Conquest bonus: 92 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣1,174 ♦2,049 ♥2,141 ♠2,233 )
  • Mischief bonus: 68 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣376 ♦656 ♥685 ♠715 )
  • Vandal bonus: 89 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣470 ♦820 ♥856 ♠893 )
  • Ransack bonus: 109 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣704 ♦1,229 ♥1,285 ♠1,340 )


  • Chests: 6
  • one for defeating the Displacer Beast (in the present)
  • one locked in the cellars (in the past)
  • one for beating the Dryad (in the present, but must be reached from the past)
  • one for beating the Elemental (in the past)
  • one locked up the ladder in the storeroom (in the present)
  • end chest
  • Collectables: 7
    • Adventurer's Pack — in the present, room with broken stairsIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering HellscapRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Crude Altar — in the past, west room of tunnelsIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbOrnate CharmAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Fungus — in the present, near DryadIcon tooltip.pngCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering Hellscap
    • Adventurer's Pack — in the present, bottom of south-east ladderIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering HellscapRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Rubble — in the present, third floor, top of ladderIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering HellscapRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Flowering Plant — in the past, north-west corner of courtyardIcon tooltip.pngCrimson NightshadeLily PetalWoodblossom Nectar
    • Bookshelf — in the past, courtyard, Servant's QuartersIcon tooltip.pngAdventuring OratorioArchaic LogbookAncient TextTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterScholarly NotesRomantic SonnetSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the Aurum

NPC end rewards

Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.

Named Chest Drop

Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
  • Update 69
  • 5 months and 5 days
  • Bladedge
Boots of Uncanny Mending
Boots of Uncanny Mending.png
Boots  13 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest
  • Update 69
  • 5 months and 4 days
  • BugTime
Armor of Midnight
Armor of Midnight.png
Medium Armor  13 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest
  • Update 69
  • 5 months and 4 days
  • Bladedge
Medium Armor of the Crownblade
Medium Armor of the Crownblade.png
Medium Armor  13 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest (rare)
  • Update 69.1
  • 4 months and 14 days
  • Ulfo
Outfit of the Artblade
Outfit of the Artblade.png
Clothing  13 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest (rare)
  • Update 69.2
  • 3 months and 22 days
  • JJMC89
Cloak of the Forest's Arrow
Cloak of the Forest's Arrow.png
Cloak  13 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest
  • Update 70
  • 2 months and 22 days
  • Jaysyn
Periapt of Wisdom (Myth Drannor)
Periapt of Wisdom (Myth Drannor).png
Trinket  13 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest
  • Update 69
  • 5 months and 4 days
  • BugTime
Legendary Armor of Midnight
Legendary Armor of Midnight.png
Medium Armor  33 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest
  • Update 69
  • 5 months and 4 days
  • BugTime
Legendary Periapt of Wisdom
Legendary Periapt of Wisdom.png
Trinket  33 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest
  • Update 69
  • 5 months and 4 days
  • BugTime
Legendary Boots of Uncanny Mending
Legendary Boots of Uncanny Mending.png
Boots  33 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest
  • Update 69
  • 5 months and 4 days
  • BugTime
The Theurgy of Autumn
The Theurgy of Autumn.png
Ring  33 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest (rare)
  • Update 69
  • 5 months and 4 days
  • Bladedge
Legendary Medium Armor of the Crownblade
Legendary Medium Armor of the Crownblade.png
Medium Armor  33 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest (rare)
  • Update 69.2
  • 3 months and 22 days
  • JJMC89
Legendary Cloak of the Forest's Arrow
Legendary Cloak of the Forest's Arrow.png
Cloak  33 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest
  • Update 69.3
  • 3 months and 13 days
  • Ulfo
Legendary Outfit of the Artblade
Legendary Outfit of the Artblade.png
Clothing  33 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Times Long Past, end chest (rare)
⇑   ⇑   Back to top   ⇑   ⇑

This quest may also drop the following Lunar and Solar Gems:

Item Type Enchantments ML Bind Location
Lunar Gem of Ranged Power (Heroic) Moon augments 1 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Times Long Past, end chest
Lunar Gem of Ranged Power (Legendary) Moon augments 30 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Times Long Past, end chest
Solar Gem of Fortitude (Heroic) Sun augments 1 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Times Long Past, end chest
Solar Gem of Fortitude (Legendary) Sun augments 30 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Times Long Past, end chest
Solar Gem of Spell Penetration (Heroic) Sun augments 1 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Times Long Past, end chest
Solar Gem of Spell Penetration (Legendary) Sun augments 30 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Times Long Past, end chest


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Ancient Tree( view
Ancient Tree.png
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite ♦38Epic Normal ♥42Epic Hard ♠48Epic Elite Plant Inanimate Object
Blazing Bones( view
Blazing Bones.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Undead Skeleton
Carrion Crawler( view
Carrion Crawler.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Aberration Carrion Crawler
Chaos Crawler( view
Chaos Crawler.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Aberration Carrion Crawler
Consortium Guard( view
Consortium Guard.png
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦38Epic Normal ♥42Epic Hard ♠47Epic Elite Construct Golem
Cormanthor Armor Warrior( view
Cormanthor Armor Warrior.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Construct Animated Object
Dretch Intruder( view
Dretch Intruder.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Evil Outsider Demon
Giant Ruins Bat( view
Giant Ruins Bat.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Animal Bat
Guardian Air Elemental( view
Guardian Air Elemental.png
 • edit )
 ♦14Normal ♥16Hard ♠19Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Elemental Air Elemental
Guardian Naga( view
Guardian Naga.png
 • edit )
 ♦14Normal ♥16Hard ♠19Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Aberration Naga
Ravcosa( view
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite ♦38Epic Normal ♥42Epic Hard ♠48Epic Elite Dragon Fang Dragon
Ruins Spirit Naga( view
Ruins Spirit Naga.png
 • edit )
 ♦14Normal ♥16Hard ♠19Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Aberration Naga
Ruins Wight( view
Ruins Wight.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Undead Wight
Skeletal Bowman( view
Skeletal Bowman.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Undead Skeleton
Skeletal Guard( view
Skeletal Guard.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Undead Skeleton
Thyllwa( view
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite ♦38Epic Normal ♥42Epic Hard ♠48Epic Elite Fey Dryad
Vrock Intruder( view
Vrock Intruder.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Evil Outsider Demon
Wildfire( view
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite ♦38Epic Normal ♥42Epic Hard ♠48Epic Elite Elemental Fire Elemental
Yulius( view
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite ♦38Epic Normal ♥42Epic Hard ♠48Epic Elite Magical Beast Displacer Beast