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The Knife's Edge

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The Knife's Edge is the 3rd quest in the Fall of the Night Brigade story arcIcon tooltip.pngStory arcs  are chains of quests that make up a story line.
Completing everything in a story arc often yields a nice reward.
Rats in a Cage • The Wizard's Labyrinth • The Knife's Edge • The Darkness and the Light

The Night Brigade's Master Thief, Karissa the Knife, has a lair somewhere nearby. It won't be easy to find it.

Fall of the Night Brigade adpack icon.jpg
DDO Point icon.png Requires access to adventure pack: Fall of the Night Brigade
The Knife's Edge
Heroic level: 4
Epic level: 34
(considered Legendary)
Duration: Medium
Heroic XP:  ♣1,140Solo/Casual ♦2,050Normal ♥2,200Hard ♠2,350Elite
Epic XP:  ♣10,943Solo/Casual ♦18,667Normal ♥19,095Hard ♠19,522Elite
Takes place in: On the Trail of the Master Thief
Bestowed by: Neese the Burrower
NPC contact: Neese the Burrower
Quest acquired in: Wheloon Docks
Patron: The Harpers
Base favor: 3
Purchase: Fall of the Night Brigade or VIP
Extreme Challenge: No
Quest map
Loading screen


Use the Wererats' Entrance to go On the Trail of the Night Brigade inside Wheloon Prison and kill the Night Brigade's Master Thief.

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Slay Karissa the Knife
  • Find your way into the sewers.
  • Find your way into the Master Thief's Tunnels.
  • Find your way into the Master Thief's Hideout.
  • Find the Master Thief's treasures.
  • (Optional) Read all the notes (find 4) — Bonus (15%): Heroic( ♣171 ♦308 ♥330 ♠353 ) Legendary( ♣1,641 ♦2,800 ♥2,864 ♠2,928 )
  • (Optional) Slay Drainage Room Otyugh — Bonus (15%): Heroic( ♣171 ♦308 ♥330 ♠353 ) Legendary( ♣1,641 ♦2,800 ♥2,864 ♠2,928 )
  • (Optional) Slay Night Brigade Panther — Bonus (15%): Heroic( ♣171 ♦308 ♥330 ♠353 ) Legendary( ♣1,641 ♦2,800 ♥2,864 ♠2,928 )

Known Traps

Trap DCs

  • Three falling blade traps before the Drain Room (Control Panel after)
  • Moving whirling blade after the Drain Room (Control Panel before)
  • Three falling blade traps before the collapsing floor (Control Panel before)
  • Collapsible floor (Control Panel before)
  • Three falling blade traps on the way to the panther optional (Control Panel after)
  • Three sets of 4 whirling blades plus one moving whirling blade after the ballista (not disarmable)
  • Field of spike blades before the backdoor to the shrine (Control Panel before)

Tips and Misc

  • Karissa the Knife, Master Thief of the Night Brigade, maintains a system of heavily trapped and guarded tunnels under her lair to test prospective recruits for the organisation. With all other entrances to her manor sealed off, you must run this gauntlet in order to get face to face with your next target.
  • To reach the tunnels, you must first navigate a short portion of Wheloon's sewer system. Head down into the tunnels and east, then hop over a series of wooden platforms suspended above a whirlpool.
    • Optionally, you may also choose to drop down into the whirlpool and swim north to fight the Drainage Room Otyugh. Note that you cannot leave this section until the Otyugh is slain, after which a Dimension Door will take you back to the start of the jumping section.
    • A lever on the other side of this room opens a pair of Dimension Doors to skip this jumping section.
  • Mandatory tile puzzle if floor has collapsed
    In the next room, a lever behind the door you enter through opens a secret door into the Master Thief's Tunnels. Head north to a section with another set of falling blades. The floor right behind the collapses if not disarmed.
    • The required Control Panel has a higher Spot and Search DC than the other ones on the quest.needs verification
    • Otherwise swim west (mind the piranhas!), then solve a tile puzzle to activate the magical floor and a Dimension Door leading back up to the tunnels.
  • Be very careful when entering the next section, especially if you're at level on Heroic – heading north here will lead you into the firing line of a Ballista!
  • You have a few options for what to do about the Ballista:
    • First off, destroying the Brazier in the first room the Ballista shoots at activates a Hiding Spot, marked by a blue rectangle, which allows you to conceal yourself from the Ballista. You can also take a hint from some friendly Wererats in a nearby tunnel hug the left wall to avoid its fire.
    • Afterwards, heading north will trigger an optional fight with a red-named Panther – defeating this will open a door to a locked chest and a lever, which will allow you to open a door into the room with the Ballista and kill its operators. (The key for the locked chest is in the room north of the ballista, and must be found by Searching for it.)
    • Alternatively, heading west will allow you to enter a rat tunnel which brings you out on the other side of the ballista. You can choose to run south and ignore the ballista entirely or head north then west to ambush its operators. (This also allows you to reach the Panther optional afterwards.)
  • Now head south-east into Karissa's hideout. In the room to the north, Karissa is concealed behind a magical barrier. She summons a wave of Night Brigade soldiers to ambush you from a side room, then drops the barrier and attacks you herself.
  • There are four notes:
    • One right outside the Master Thief's Tunnels
    • One by the first shrine in the Tunnels
    • One on the bar in Karissa's hideout
    • One in the final room with Karissa

Bonus XP

  • Aggression bonus: 17 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣114 ♦205 ♥220 ♠235 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 33 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣171 ♦308 ♥330 ♠353 )
  • Conquest bonus: 50 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣285 ♦513 ♥550 ♠588 )
  • Tamper bonus: 3 or more traps disarmed +10% Bonus.( ♣114 ♦205 ♥220 ♠235 )
  • Neutralization bonus: 4 or more traps disarmed +20% Bonus.( ♣228 ♦410 ♥440 ♠470 )
  • Ingenious Debilitation bonus: 5 or more traps disarmed +30% Bonus.( ♣342 ♦615 ♥660 ♠705 )
  • Mischief bonus: 28 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣91 ♦164 ♥176 ♠188 )
  • Vandal bonus: 36 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣114 ♦205 ♥220 ♠235 )
  • Ransack bonus: 44 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣171 ♦308 ♥330 ♠353 )


  • Chests: 4
  • optional for killing the Otyugh
  • one locked behind the Panther
  • one locked in the rat tunnels
  • end chest together with 2 Piles of Gold
  • Collectables: 3 out of
    • Rubble — in the room at the end of the first rat tunnelIcon tooltip.pngAmber VialVial of Pure WaterVial of ContagionString of Prayer BeadsSmall Wooden IdolIcon of KhyberPage Torn from a Research NotebookKhyber Prayer PamphletTome: Prophecies of KhyberSweet WhitecapDeadly FeverblanchPale Creeper
    • Scroll Rack — near the shrine in the HideoutIcon tooltip.pngAmber VialVial of Pure WaterVial of Contagion
    • Alchemy Table — near the end chestIcon tooltip.pngAmber VialVial of Pure WaterVial of Contagion

NPC end rewards

Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.

Named Chest Drop

Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
Tunneler's Toolkit
Tunneler's Toolkit.png
Belt  4 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Knife's Edge, end chest
Packrat's Rat Pack
Packrat's Rat Pack.png
Cloak  4 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Knife's Edge, end chest
Echoes of Night
Echoes of Night.png
Rune Arm  4 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Knife's Edge, end chest
Karissa's Goggles
Karissa's Goggles.png
Goggles  4 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Knife's Edge, end chest
Poniard of Pain
Poniard of Pain.png
Dagger  4 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Knife's Edge, end chest (rare)
Legendary Packrat's Rat Pack
Legendary Packrat's Rat Pack.png
Cloak  33 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Knife's Edge, end chest
Legendary Echoes of Night
Legendary Echoes of Night.png
Rune Arm  33 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Knife's Edge, end chest
Legendary Tunneler's Toolkit
Legendary Tunneler's Toolkit.png
Belt  33 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Knife's Edge, end chest
Legendary Karissa's Goggles
Legendary Karissa's Goggles.png
Goggles  33 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Knife's Edge, end chest
Legendary Poniard of Pain
Legendary Poniard of Pain.png
Dagger  33 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Knife's Edge, end chest (rare)
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This quest may also drop the following Lunar and Solar Gems:

Item Type Enchantments ML Bind Location
Lunar Gem of Weapon Damage (Heroic) Moon augments 1 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Secrets of the Red Wizards, end chest, and The Knife's Edge, end chest
Lunar Gem of Weapon Damage (Legendary) Moon augments 30 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Secrets of the Red Wizards, end chest, and The Knife's Edge, end chest
Solar Gem of Doubleshot (Heroic) Sun augments 1 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Portal to Below, end chest, and The Knife's Edge, end chest
Solar Gem of Doubleshot (Legendary) Sun augments 30 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Portal to Below, end chest, and The Knife's Edge, end chest
Solar Gem of Sneak Attack Damage (Heroic) Sun augments
  • +1 Artifact Bonus to Sneak Attack Damage
1 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Death Hosts This Banquet, end chest, and The Knife's Edge, end chest
Solar Gem of Sneak Attack Damage (Legendary) Sun augments
  • +3 Artifact Bonus to Sneak Attack Damage
30 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Death Hosts This Banquet, end chest, and The Knife's Edge, end chest
Lunar Gem of Dexterity (Heroic) Moon augments 1 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Voices of the Dead, end chest, and The Knife's Edge, end chest
Lunar Gem of Dexterity (Legendary) Moon augments 30 UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Voices of the Dead, end chest, and The Knife's Edge, end chest


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Drainage Room Otyugh( view
Drainage Room Otyugh.png
 • edit )
 ♦6Normal ♥8Hard ♠11Elite ♦38Epic Normal ♥42Epic Hard ♠48Epic Elite Aberration Otyugh
Karissa the Knife( view
Karissa the Knife.png
 • edit )
 ♦6Normal ♥8Hard ♠11Elite ♦38Epic Normal ♥42Epic Hard ♠48Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Night Brigade Archer( view
Night Brigade Archer.png
 • edit )
 ♦4Normal ♥6Hard ♠9Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Night Brigade Fighter( view
Night Brigade Fighter.png
 • edit )
 ♦4Normal ♥6Hard ♠9Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Night Brigade Panther( view
Night Brigade Panther.png
 • edit )
 ♦6Normal ♥8Hard ♠11Elite ♦38Epic Normal ♥42Epic Hard ♠48Epic Elite Animal Panther
Night Brigade Rogue( view
Night Brigade Rogue.png
 • edit )
 ♦4Normal ♥6Hard ♠9Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Night Brigade Wizard( view
Night Brigade Wizard.png
 • edit )
 ♦5Normal ♥7Hard ♠10Elite ♦37Epic Normal ♥41Epic Hard ♠46Epic Elite Humanoid Human