Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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"The dragons? You wish to know about the dragons? They are disciples of the ancient enemy, the betrayer. The dracolich. The Truthful One who lies, lies and deceive... They banded together, you know. To keep me and my kind out of your world. Dragon and giant. Giantand dragon. Now look at them! Tearing each other apart. Such hatred, the dracolich returns for vengeance. Vengeance for what? He comes to wreak his hatred on the giants again, and again, and again."


Type: Evil Outsider (List)

Race: Quori (List)

Sub-race: Hashalaq Quori (List)

Monster Manual classification: Quori

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Boss: Red Named - Quest Boss

CR:  ♦27Epic Normal ♥31Epic Hard ♠38Epic Elite

Attack: Otto's Sphere of Dancing, other elemental spells

Special Qualities: DR  ♦15Epic Normal ♥20Epic Hard/Good, Quori Mind, See Invisibility, Empathic Feedback, Incorporeal


Description: Final boss paired with Quorforged Minion