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Template talk:Enhancement table/item

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How it works[edit]

OK, so here is how the template works:


  • Image is for the image of the enhancements
  • Link is for the link that clicking on the enhancement name will be.
  • Name is the name of the enhancement
  • Description is the description of the enhancement itself.
  • AP is the action point cost.
  • pg is the progression, if you prefer, the number of action point that you need to spend before to be able to take that enhancement.
  • Prereq are the prerequirements for the enhacement (ie feats, other enhancements, race, etc.)
  • ldescription is optional. If you don't need it, leave it blank. It's used to make the description box wider so the tempalte doesn't hover (text flying off the table). To activate it, write |ldescription=true
  • lprereq is there for the same fonction as ldescription, but for prereq. Again, if you don't need it, leave it blank. If you do |lprereq=true.

At the begginning of each enhancement level, you'll have to use {{Enhancement table/top}}. Once you'll be done listing all the enhancement for that level, write {{Enhancement table/bottom}}. See Human enhancements to see how it is used.

I know, this isn't the most good looking it can be. However, I'm not good at making templates that complicated. It's Elliott's job and he doesn't play DDO so it's hard for him to know what I want. I'll try to get some time to get it done since somene is working on them!! :)

If you got any suggestions, post them here and I'll read them and pass them to him. :)

Oh, one little detail, why do we put this on a template? Because any change we do to the tmeplate will be done to all the page. So don't be scared, your time won' be lost. ;) Borror0 12:08, October 21, 2007 (EDT)


Think the pages would look better if the name/link/description was left-aligned instead of centered. But, looks like you guys have been working hard on this, so don't want to stick my finger in it.

I agree with you. I wasn't sure yet, but was thinking the same as you. :) Since you pint tht out too, I'll see what I can do. :) Mind creating an account so I can know who you are. ;) Borror0 13:01, September 9, 2007 (EDT)
That was me - just forgot to log on. Also - take a look at the cleric enhancements I've been adding. Especially the "Divine Cleansing". The description is pretty long and cant be shortened much, so it throws the page off. And, the description will be even longer for DC II and III when it adds more effects. Sojourner9 13:43, September 9, 2007 (EDT)
Yeah, I figured that out. ;) Concerning the template... just add things as if it wouldn't be ugly. Elliott seems really busy, when he'll be free I'll discuss with him about the template. Since it's template all changes will be retroactive so just edit. We'll fix everything as soon as possible. The current problem with the template is that's it's too complicated for me to understand yet. :$ I'll get him to fix it real soon. Just share your limitation here. I'll transmit them to him. Borror0 14:33, September 9, 2007 (EDT)

Possible fix for the tables - for the Enhancement_table/top, force the table to be a certain width -

{| class="pyxe" width="200px"

for the Enhancement_table/item, maybe make it 3 lines, with description on its own separate line

| rowspan='3' |[[{{ns:6}}:{{{image}}}]] | colspan='3' align='left' |[[{{{link}}}|{{{name}}}]]
||AP Cost: {{{ap}}} ||Progression: {{{pg}}} ||No requirements
|- style="border-bottom: 2px solid #bbbbbb"
| colspan='3' | {{{description}}}

Note: the 200px is just just a random guess, you may have to adjust for different sizes to see what looks good on various screens. Or set it to a % value instead of fixed pixel size. Sojourner9 19:01, September 9, 2007 (EDT)

Doubtlessly... %... not number of pixel. It may look wierd on certain screen. Too small... Elliott will find it wierd. Too large... smaller screen will find it bothersome. For the rest, I guess we could try. We got nothing to loose, xcept a few minutes of our lives... we could always rollback if needed. Borror0 23:09, September 9, 2007 (EDT)


I don't know how to work out wiki code, but would be possible to add a camp |rank= for enhancements with multiple ranks, so we know their limit?

Nibelung (ContributionsMessage) 10:26, September 5, 2013 (EDT)
This sounds like a good idea. Is it possible to make the a default value of 1? On a related note, with the introduction of the trees, I think that the progression is not needed anymore, as all tier 1/2/3 abilities require the same progression, and the abilities will not be listed on its own without the context of being tier 1/2/3 abilities.
Krlkch (ContributionsMessage) 12:13, September 5, 2013 (EDT)
We only need to keep the progression variable if we do not want to break the historic enhancement tables. Otherwise, there is really no need for them anymore.
Nibelung (ContributionsMessage) 19:34, September 5, 2013 (EDT)

What is the purpose of the 'link' field?[edit]

If it has a purpose, it escapes me. Check out the T3 PM enhancements. The Necrotic Bolt entry uses the 'link' field, and sure enough there is a link to a detail page for Necrotic Bolt. But the rest of the enhancements don't use that field, and they are all linked to a detail page, which may or may not exist. In the case of Cloak of Night this SLA is linked to the item page for Cloak of Night. I tried adding a link field with no value to see if I could break that bad link, but that didn't work. And removing the link field from Necrotic Bolt does not remove the link to the detail page. So I'm at a loss as to the purpose of that field, and also how to fix the broken link of a PM SLA to a cloak item of the same name.
Niminae (ContribsMessage) 19:38, July 7, 2018 (EDT)

  • From a quick inspection, it's [[{{{link}}}|{{{name}}}]]. So, 'link' is where it links to, 'name' is what is displayed. Faltout (ContribsMessage) 21:40, July 7, 2018 (EDT)
    • Hmmm, ok. So you might use that to link to something but display a different name. Maybe for cases where plurals make the grammar awkward? But the link is created even without the link field being used, or at least there is a link in all of the enhancements which either do or do not use the link field. -- Niminae (ContribsMessage) 22:51, July 7, 2018 (EDT)
      • Plurals or more likely for possible cases of disambiguation where there is something appended to the pagename to deal with a conflict like [[Page (DAB)|Page]]. It'll work even with no link parameter because of the reverse pipe trick.  👟 ShoeMaker (Contribs • Message) 👟 09:58, July 8, 2018 (EDT)