Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Item:Tear of Vulkoor

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Tear of Vulkoor

A golden, oval-shaped gemstone, supposedly shed by the drow scorpion god in an eons-old battle against the giants. 1 Tear of Vulkoor is desired by Zolar Drexxian outside House Deneith in the Deneith Ward.

  • Tier 4 CulturalIcon tooltip.png
  • Rare Drow Artifact

Found In Nodes

Locations for Farming

  • Mob kills
    • Gargoyles (Elite or higher)

Located in: * Ruins of Threnal - South excavation especially.


Collector turn in
  • Located in: Deneith Ward
Stone of Change Eldritch Ritual ingredient
  • N/A
Cannith Crafting Bound shard recipe
  • N/A
Unbound shard recipe INS Jump (Extra), INS Fortification (Extra), INS Search (Extra), INS Electric Resist (Extra), INS Diplomacy (Extra)