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Talk:Healing Amplification

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The page currently lists Fleshmaker in two ways -- fleshmaker from the Finger necklace, and Fleshmaker from the Fleshshaper armor/docent. The way the page currently reads (dated 3/15/2012) is that Fleshmaker on the armor is multiplicative, while fleshmaker on the Finger necklace is additive. This is actually a big difference if a build is healing amp specified. It would be logical to assume that because the effect is name the same on both items, that it is the same effect. I do not posess these items, so I am incapable of testing. If anyone does, though.. =) 19:57, March 15, 2012 by Auhfel

I clarified that section for you. Same effect name = works exactly the same. Exactly how it works is a bit hard to explain, theres a forum guide somewhere that explains it well.. should probably link that.

Shade 03:18, March 16, 2012 (EDT)


You may want to read the guide I linked a bit more carefully Cru121.. There are absolutely no cases where fleshmaker will give less then 10%. The large majority it will give quite a bit more, as much as ~20% if you're serious about heal amp and thus have all three tiers of the regular type.

Even in you own example, assuming ur maths right.. You gain 12 health, when it should be 11.

Shade 05:55, March 16, 2012 (EDT)

It is always equal or weaker than regular 10% heal amp. Don't have time to argue now

--Cru121 06:04, March 16, 2012 (EDT)

Well theres no arguement on that point anyways. I don't know if thats accurate personally, but it's not what my topic is about.

I was stating it's not less then "10% actaul", which is how you worded it your edit. Wheather or not it's less then "10% healing amplification" in how it works is a different, theoreticaly subject entirely.

Shade 06:10, March 16, 2012 (EDT)

When you add fleshmaker, your incoming healing NEVER increases by more than 10 %. 19% is just confusing and wrong.

--Cru121 06:55, March 16, 2012 (EDT)

This is just a matter of perspective. Your saying the glass is half empty, im saying it's half full.

We're both right, it's just a matter of how you look at it.

From the guide - with a regular 110 point heal scroll: 10% + 20% + 30% = 188 vs 10% + 20% + 30% + Finger Necklace = 199 vs Finger Necklace + 10% + 20% + 30% = 207

So if you put on the finger necklace last, your incoming healing increases from 188 to 199 - increased by a total of 11 points. 110/11 = 10%, as it states. If you put it on first, the total increase is 19 points. Thats about a ~17% increase. Doesn't seem particularly confusing to me.

Your getting a bit more complex and comparing it against healing amp items themself, in how much they grant. They also grant more then there stated amount in most cases due to multiplication. Seems to be beyond the scope of what most users would care to know.. IMO. Bottom line is the item grants at a minimum what it states, and at a maximum quite a bit more.. While healing amp items themselves tend to grant even more.

Shade 08:38, March 16, 2012 (EDT)

New lootgen?[edit]

What's the type for the new lootgen "of Healing Amplification" armor and glove items? The descriptions on the items don't mention the type, although I doubt they're untyped. Does anyone have one of each of the existing types to see what the new items (readily available on the AH) stack with? --Agthorr (ContribsMessage) 00:52, January 13, 2016 (EST)

New random items are Competence bonus, I.E. not stacking with PDK gloves or mitts. --Cru121 (ContribsMessage) 01:41, January 13, 2016 (EST)