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Talk:Build point

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The "odd numbered stats are useless" message in this article seems highly opinionated to me. I'm sure it's a valid approach to selecting one's attributes, but it's certainly not the only way. I think this article could stand to be rewritten for balance and objectivity. There is more to the game than attribute bonuses!

It does not explicitely say "odd stats are useless". However, I made a small edit to make it slightly less biased. Feel free to edit it further if you feel it needs to. Tihocan 11:56, March 14, 2006 (EST)

Tips section obsolete[edit]

Can someone qualified please edit this page? The section min-max and everything below is just rubbish! I tried but I'm just not good at it and it takes me to much time.

I was thinking something in the line of a few basic build examples, while explaining about min-maxing. That some classes can profit from it (Barbarian, Rogue, *Ranger*, Sorcerer, Wizard), and some just can't max without gimping the character (Paladin, Bard), and some that would be better of not maxing (Fighter, *Ranger*, Cleric, Druid, Monk). Also make a note that building a Ranger is very personal. Thx. 23:58, October 1, 2012 (EDT)

I've rewritten the section in general; I feel that class-specific discussions belong more to the class articles, e.g. Starting a Ranger.--Cru121 (ContributionsMessage) 06:03, October 2, 2012 (EDT)