Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Talk:Auction House

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I felt like posting a cynical rant today... 30% in the hands of auctioneers. That's quite a lot of money for people who don't create nor closely participate in collective evolution, like parasites who make more money than (for example) doctors, engineers, philosophers and talented artists (God is dollar and nothing else, where the value lies into intangible nothingness and emotional backwardness). They'll tell us that it covers their costs and that they need to eat (lol, the most common and cynical one-liner of them all, where one would feel that his food is not as nutritive if eaten without golden forks and knives and slaves: it's a somewhat mental illness)... But common, what costs? Moreover when we have to imagine all auctions taking place while we've never seen one for real! lmao — previous unsignedIcon tooltip.pngPlease sign posts using ~~~~ comment by (d| r| b) at 21:12, September 18, 2019 (UTC)