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Talk:Attack sequence
4th Attack[edit]
I didn't put in the double threat range on 4th attack, since it's set to be removed. Sonil 11:50, July 19, 2006 (EDT)
- Yes, I thought about it too, and considered safer to ignore it, so we don't forget to remove it later... Tihocan 14:37, July 19, 2006 (EDT)
2nd animation in TWF while moving[edit]
Is it a main hand or an off-hand attack? According to DeadlyGazebo, it is an off-hand attack, but I think I tr0tsky, you said it was a main hand one? Tihocan 15:50, July 19, 2006 (EDT)
- It's an *animation* with your left hand, but it's actually swinging your main-hand weapon. If you're trying to figure out how attack chains work with TWF, the first thing to do is completely ignore the attack animations and look at your combat log :) Sonil 16:15, July 19, 2006 (EDT)
- Ok, thanks for clearing it up :) Tihocan 16:24, July 19, 2006 (EDT)