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Item:Sun Flask

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Sun Flask

Proficiency Class Simple Weapon Proficiency Sun Flask shown.jpg
Accepts Sentience? No
Damage and Type 6[1d6] + 0 Light
Critical threat range 20 / x2
Weapon Type Dart / Thrown weapons
Race Absolutely Required None
Minimum Level None
Required Trait None
Use Magical Device DC No UMD needed
Attack Mod DEX
Damage Mod STR
Binding UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Durability N/A
Made from GlassIcon tooltip.pngGlass: Items made of glass are immune to damage from contact with ooze.
Hardness N/A
Base Value 00000000011cpIcon tooltip.pngCopper Piece
Weight 0.50 lbs
Location Festivult, Three Copper Festival Coins will give you a chance at getting a stack of 20
Sun Flask.png
Description This flask is packed with secret ingredients passed down from generation to generation of Festivult Jesters and bursts on impacting a monster or wall. Nearby creatures are momentarily blinded by the flash, and it's claimed that the liberal use of flash bangs drives away the darkness of Mabar.