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Stone Form

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Stone Form Healing icon.jpg Stone Form Damage Reduction icon.jpg

This monster ability comes in two parts: Stone Form Healing and Stone Form Damage Reduction. When a certain percentage of their health is lost, all gargoyles enter a trance-like state. This state gives them DR 100/- (damage halved on normal) and allows them to regenerate to full health if not killed.

Monsters with this ability:[edit]
  1. Goliath
  2. Ironwing
  3. Gargoyle Juggernaut
  4. Gargoyle Minion
  5. Lotigath
  6. Guardian Gargoyle
  7. Garggalor
  8. Basalt
  9. Barovian Gargoyle
  10. Daask Defender
  11. Daask Gargoyle
  12. Miserable Failure
  13. Music Hating Gargoyle
  14. Tourmaline (monster)
  15. Gargoyle (Eberron)
  16. Gargoyle (Forgotten Realms)
  17. Granite Gargoyle (Forgotten Realms)