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Spectre race

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A typical spectre


Among the most powerful undead, yet still common enough for you to be likely to encounter it, the spectre is tougher and more dangerous than the typical wraith.

Spectres are Undead type monsters.



  • Slam: (Bludgeoning)
  • Spectre's Lingering Touch: Lasts 5 seconds. An attack with the potential to level drain a player. Death Ward negates the effect. If a player character dies while under the influence of the spectre's touch, there is a chance that a spectre will spawn. Spawn Screen negates. When a spectre is about to attack with lingering touch, circles of dark energy will flow about its hands. Blocking or dodging the attack will avoid the effect.

Incorporeal bane and ghost touch weapons are particularly useful against spectres. Spare no effort, save no energy as you reduce this creature to ectoplasmic tendrils and grave dust.


  • Incorporeal - A dangerous (and annoying) ability to phase in and out of our plane. The creature will vanish occasionally, reappearing a few seconds later, often very close to you or one of your companions. Be alert, and keep moving when the creature phases out. so as to be less vulnerable to the creature phasing in behind you.

Creature Entries (63)[edit]