Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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Snowy Owlbear
Name: Snowy Owlbear
Race: Owlbear
Bind: The Snowy Owlbear Certificate is UnboundUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage..
A shy, black-speckled, white owlbear with eyes like a blue glacial lake.
DDO Store purchasable?: No
Companion tricks
Shake Off | - Your owlbear will shake itself off. |
Play Dead | - Your owlbear will collapse and play dead. |
Sit | - Your owlbear will sit and preen itself. |
Stand Up | - Your owlbear will stand on its hind legs and attempt to look ferocious. |
Dance | 150 | - Your owlbear will do its favorite back-scratching-against-a-tree dance. |
Roll Over | 95 | - Your owlbear will plop down and roll around on its back. |
Try to Fly | 95 | - Your owlbear will attempt to take to the air. |
Sleep | 50 | - Your owlbear will lay down and snuggle itself to sleep. |
This companion's certificate is a Community Loot List item . Available via donating to Turbine's team for Movember (DDO Forums), also given out at in-game events such as Cordovan's trivia events.
During the Year of the Dragon this companion was one of the two selectable from the Hoard of Discovery.