Year of the Dragon: Through 21st January, claim your free Dragon Path Aura Footprints! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Scion of the Shadowfell

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Icon Scion of the Shadowfell.png
Scion of the Shadowfell

  • Usage: Passive
  • Prerequisite: Level 30


  • +4 to the DCs of Necromancy spells, +2 to DCs of other spells
  • +10 Negative Spell Power, +30 Universal Spell Power, +15% Negative Spell Critical Damage, +10% all other spell critical damage.
  • +20 Negative Amp (assuming you take healing from Negative)
  • Weapon and Unarmed attacks heal you for 1d6 Positive damage, or 1d6 Negative damage if you are Undead.