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Scion of Mechanus

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Scion of Mechanus

  • Usage: Passive
  • Prerequisite: Level 30


  • +10 Repair & Rust Spell Power, +30 Universal Spell Power, +15% Repair and Rust Spell Critical Damage, +10% all other spell critical damage
  • +20 Repair Amplification (assuming you take healing from Repair)
  • +10% Fortification Bypass on weapon and unarmed attacks
  • Gain: Master Reconstruction, shares cooldown with Communion of Scribing


  • Master Reconstruction, in addition to sharing a cooldown, grants exactly the same Reconstruct Spell Like Ability as Rank 3 Communion of Scribing (Costs 25sp, 6 second cooldown). Thus, a Bladeforged character should only take Scion of Mechanus if the player wants the other bonuses or doesn't want to spend the enhancement points necessary to get Communion of Scribing.
  • Bug: Scion of Mechanus repair SLA heals for less than Bladeforged racial SLA.
  • After testing, Master Reconstruction works fine as intended. Communion of Scribing is bugged and has a max caster level of 20 instead of what it's supposed to have which is 15.