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Ritual Table

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Augment Slot
Level 1+
Cannith Crafting
Level 1+
Event Items
Levels 1+
Stone of Change
Level 1+
Level 4+
Level 4+
Item Upgrading
Level 6+
Nearly Finished
Level 15+
Epic Crafting
Level 20+
Sentient Weapon
Level 20+
Level 22+
Legendary Green Steel items
Level 26
Slave Lords Crafting
Level 8/28
Schism Shard Crafting
Level 20+
Legendary Crafting
Level 30
Dinosaur Bone crafting
Level 31
Lost Purpose
Level 18/32
Esoteric Table
Level 32
Unholy Defiler of the Hidden Hand
Level 18/32
Deck of Many Curses
Level 32
Ritual Table
Level 33

The Ritual Table is a Crafting device introduced in Update 69 with the Magic of Myth Drannor expansion, to upgrade legendary weapons from quests in Magic of Myth Drannor, including the raid loot from Threats Old and New. It is found in a side room of the raid Threats Old and New, obtained in the Outskirts of Myth Drannor - note that the entrance to the raid locks at the start, but the Table itself is only accessible after completing the raid.

Crafting materials (all found in Threats Old and New end chest, the Sigils are rare drops):

Weaponry of the Undying Age[edit]

Item created Cost
Any Weapon of the Undying Age (including the caster longswords)

Reflections of the Blades[edit]

Item created Cost
Reflection of the Crownblade
Reflection of the Warblade
Reflection of the Artblade

Armor of the Blade's Reflection[edit]

Item created Cost
Robe of the Crownblade's Reflection
Outfit of the Crownblade's Reflection
Light Armor of the Crownblade's Reflection
Medium Armor of the Crownblade's Reflection
Heavy Armor of the Crownblade's Reflection
Docent of the Crownblade's Reflection
Robe of the Warblade's Reflection
Outfit of the Warblade's Reflection
Light Armor of the Warblade's Reflection
Medium Armor of the Warblade's Reflection
Heavy Armor of the Warblade's Reflection
Docent of the Warblade's Reflection
Robe of the Artblade's Reflection
Outfit of the Artblade's Reflection
Light Armor of the Artblade's Reflection
Medium Armor of the Artblade's Reflection
Heavy Armor of the Artblade's Reflection
Docent of the Artblade's Reflection

Legendary crafting effects[edit]

Upgrade Effect Cost
Legendary Dust

(Weaponry of the Undying Age)
(Raid Threats Old and New Weapons)

Removed: Any previous added Ritual Table effects

Added: Legendary Dust

Legendary Ash

(Weaponry of the Undying Age)
(Raid Threats Old and New Weapons)

Removed: Any previous added Ritual Table effects

Added: Legendary Ash

Legendary Vacuum

(Weaponry of the Undying Age)
(Raid Threats Old and New Weapons)

Removed: Any previous added Ritual Table effects

Added: Legendary Vacuum

Legendary Ooze

(Weaponry of the Undying Age)
(Raid Threats Old and New Weapons)

Removed: Any previous added Ritual Table effects

Added: Legendary Ooze

Legendary Salt

(Weaponry of the Undying Age)
(Raid Threats Old and New Weapons)

Removed: Any previous added Ritual Table effects

Added: Legendary Salt

Legendary Affirmation

(Weaponry of the Undying Age)
(Raid Threats Old and New Weapons)

Removed: Any previous added Ritual Table effects

Added: Legendary Affirmation

Ability bonus

(Raid Threats Old and New Equipment)

Removed: Any previous added Ritual Table effects

Added: Select one of the following: