Year of the Dragon: Through 24th September, claim one free Draconic Raiders Reward Box per server! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Raven Queen Augur

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Raven Queen Augur.png

Name: Raven Queen Augur <Reaper Vendor>

Race: Shadar-kai

Gender: Male

Collects: Reaper Experience

Affiliation(s): Raven Queen


Sells: Reaper Rewards

Grants access to Reaper Forge (reaper upgrade).

Notes: Requires 2,500,000 Reaper Experience before he will speak with you.

  • The base price for these items is 1,000,000 pp before haggle.
  • If below Required RXP, you can still break items down into Fragment of Reaper Powers but cannot craft with them.

Hall of Heroes[edit]

If you try to talk to him without 2,500,000 Reaper Experience, he will reply:

  • Raven Queen's Augur: Your try to deny your inevitable fate? This would be pitiful, if it were not so amusing! Return when you have at least 2,500,000 Reaper Experience. I will have something for you then.

External links[edit]